delete all files not useful to complex calculation
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
set size ratio 1.3
set grid
set xrange [1/2.5:2.5]
set yrange [0.2:5]
set samples 2000
set parametric
set log x
set log y
set terminal pngcairo size 1000, 1200
set output "barbot-symmetric.png"
# solves the equation rho(s)q^2 - (s+1)q + 1 = 0
# (s^2 + cs + 1)q^2 - (s+1)q + 1 = q^2 s^2 + (cq - 1)qs + (q^2 - q + 1)
c = 2*cos(4*pi/5)
rho(s) = s**2 + c*s + 1
# qp(s) = (s+1+sqrt((s+1)**2 - 4*rho(s)))/(2*rho(s))
# qm(s) = (s+1-sqrt((s+1)**2 - 4*rho(s)))/(2*rho(s))
# d(q) = q**2*(c*q-1)**2 - 4*(q**2-q+1)*q**2
# sp(q) = (-(c*q-1)*q + sqrt(d(q)))/(2*q**2)
# sm(q) = (-(c*q-1)*q - sqrt(d(q)))/(2*q**2)
qp(s) = (s+1+sqrt((s+1)**2 - 4*rho(s)))/(2*sqrt(rho(s)))
qm(s) = (s+1-sqrt((s+1)**2 - 4*rho(s)))/(2*sqrt(rho(s)))
d(q) = q**2*(c*q-1)**2 - 4*(q**2-q+1)*q**2
sp(q) = (-(c*q-1)*q + sqrt(d(q)))/(2*q**2)
sm(q) = (-(c*q-1)*q - sqrt(d(q)))/(2*q**2)
plot "output/barbot_map_5000_frequencies" \
using ($1/100.0):($2/100.0*sqrt(rho($1/100.0))):(($3==0)?1/0:$4) w p pt 5 ps 0.5 lc palette t '', \
"output/barbot_map_500000" \
using ($1/10.0) :($2/10.0*sqrt(rho($1/10.0))) :($3*0.7+0.3) w p pt 7 ps variable lc 3 t '', \
sm(t), d(t) > 0 ? t*sqrt(rho(sm(t))) : 1/0 w l lw 2 lc 7 t "", \
sp(t), d(t) > 0 ? t*sqrt(rho(sp(t))) : 1/0 w l lw 2 lc 7 t "", \
t, qm(t) w l lw 2 lc 7 t "", \
t, qp(t) w l lw 2 lc 7 t ""
# plot "output/barbot_map_50000_zoom_b" using ($1/1000.0):($2/5000):(($3==0)?1/0:$4) w p pt 5 ps 0.5 lc palette t ''
# pause mouse keypress
# reread
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
trap 'exit 130' INT
qend=200 # 1/sqrt(2) = 0.7071...
words="$(./billiard_words $wordlength | awk '{print $1}')"
#words="cbabcabacabcacbcab cabacabcacbcabcbab cabcacbcabcbabcaba"
#words="abcabc abcb cbabcacbcacbab"
#words="abcabc abcbcabcbc"
#words="abcabc bcbab bcbabcac"
for s in $(seq $sstart $send); do
for q in $(seq $qstart $qend); do
echo -n "$s/$sdenom $q/$qdenom "
# MAXIMUM=only ./special_element $s/$sdenom $q/$qdenom $words
# MAXIMUM=no ./special_element $s/$sdenom $q/$qdenom abcb
MAXIMUM=no ./special_element $s/$sdenom $q/$qdenom $words | while read line; do
echo -n "$line "
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import Text.Printf
import System.Environment
main = do
argv <- getArgs
listWordsUpToLength $ read $ argv !! 0
listWordsUpToLength :: Int -> IO ()
listWordsUpToLength n = do
putStr $ unlines [printf "%s %d/%d %f"
(p `div` gcd p q)
(q `div` gcd p q)
(atan (sqrt 3 / (2*q_/p_ + 1))) |
((p,q),w) <- wordlist (n `div` 2, n `div` 2),
let p_ = fromIntegral p :: Double,
let q_ = fromIntegral q :: Double,
length w <= n,
let x = 2*q + p,
let y = 2*p + q]
-- (sqrt 3 / 2 * fromIntegral p / (fromIntegral q + fromIntegral p / 2) :: Double) |
-- (slopeWord "bca" (orthogonalSlope (p,q))) |
wordlist :: (Int,Int) -> [((Int,Int),String)]
wordlist (pmax,qmax) = nub $
sortBy (comparing sl)
[((p `div` gcd p q, q `div` gcd p q), slopeWord "bca" (p,q)) |
p <- [0..pmax],
q <- [0..qmax],
q /= 0] -- use p /= 0 || q /= 0 for more symmetric output
sl ((p,q),_) = fromIntegral p / fromIntegral q
-- letters: reflection along e_1, reflection along e_2, other one; p,q >= 0
-- the "slope" (p,q) means the Euclidean vector q*e_1 + p*e_2, where e_1,e_2 are at a 60 degree angle
-- in Euclidean coordinates this is (q + p/2, sqrt(3)/2 * p)
slopeWord :: [Char] -> (Int,Int) -> String
slopeWord [x,y,z] (p,q)
| p > q = slopeWord [y,x,z] (q,p)
| otherwise = concat $ map word $ zipWith step list (tail list)
p_ = p `div` gcd p q
q_ = q `div` gcd p q
xmax = if (p_-q_) `mod` 3 == 0 then q_ else 3*q_ :: Int
list = [(x,(x*p) `div` q) | x <- [0..xmax]]
step (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = ((x1-y1) `mod` 3, y2-y1)
word (0,0) = [z,x]
word (1,0) = [y,z]
word (2,0) = [x,y]
word (0,1) = [z,y,x,y]
word (1,1) = [y,x,z,x]
word (2,1) = [x,z,y,z]
-- assuming p, q >= 0
orthogonalSlope :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
orthogonalSlope (p,q)
| p > q = (p-q, p+2*q)
| p < q = (q+2*p, q-p)
| otherwise = (1,0)
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
#if(!exists("logt")) logt = log(1.80)
if(!exists("n")) n = 263
if(!exists("logt")) logt = log(1)
if(!exists("logs")) logs = log(1)
#logt = 0.01*n
logt = log(1000000000)
file = sprintf("< ./singular_values 713698 %f %f", exp(logs), exp(logt))
#file = sprintf("< ./singular_values 1621 %f %f", exp(logs), exp(logt))
#outfile = sprintf("cdf/cdf_hires_%05d.png", n)
outfile = sprintf("cdf/cdf_hires_limit.png")
set log x
set zeroaxis
set samples 1000
set size square
set xrange [0.5:2]
set yrange [0:500000]
#set yrange [0:1000]
set trange [0:30]
set grid
set parametric
set terminal pngcairo enhanced size 1024, 1024
set output outfile
print sprintf("n = %d, t = %.2f", n, exp(logt))
# plot file using 2:3 w p pt 7 ps 0.5 lc 1 t title
#tr(a,b) = exp((2*a+b)/3) + exp((b-a)/3) + exp(-(a+2*b)/3)
#trinv(a,b) = exp(-(2*a+b)/3) + exp((a-b)/3) + exp((a+2*b)/3)
tr(a,b) = exp(a) + exp(b-a) + exp(-b)
trinv(a,b) = exp(-a) + exp(a-b) + exp(b)
#plot file using 6:7 w p pt 7 ps 0.5 lc 1 t columnheader,
# log(tr(t,t*2)),log(trinv(t,2*t)) w l lw 2 t "", \
# log(tr(t,t/2)),log(trinv(t,t/2)) w l lw 2 t ""
plot file using 8:3 w steps lw 2 lc 1 t sprintf("t = %.2f", exp(logt))
#plot for[i=-10:10] log(tr(t,t*exp(log(2)*i/10.0))),log(trinv(t,t*exp(log(2)*i/10.0))) w l lw 2 t ""
#plot for[i=-10:10] t,log(tr(t,t*exp(log(2)*i/10.0)))-t w l lw 2 t ""
##plot for[i=20:20] t,log(tr(1/t,exp(2*log(2)*i/20.0-log(2)))) w l lw 2 t ""
#if(n < 1000) reread
# pause mouse keypress
# if(MOUSE_KEY == 60) logt=logt-0.02
# if(MOUSE_KEY == 62) logt=logt+0.02
# if(MOUSE_KEY == 44) logs=logs-0.02
# if(MOUSE_KEY == 46) logs=logs+0.02
# if(MOUSE_KEY != 113) reread
@ -1 +0,0 @@
ffmpeg -f image2 -framerate 20 -i test%03d.png -s 1024x1024 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -lossless 1 test.webm
@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_eigen.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_blas.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_linalg.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_complex_math.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "linalg.h"
#define ERROR(condition, msg, ...) if(condition){fprintf(stderr, msg, ##__VA_ARGS__); exit(1);}
#define FCMP(x, y) gsl_fcmp(x, y, 1e-10)
/*********************************************** temporary storage ********************************************************/
workspace_t *workspace_alloc(int n)
workspace_t *result = (workspace_t*)malloc(sizeof(workspace_t));
result->n = n;
result->work_nonsymmv = gsl_eigen_nonsymmv_alloc(n);
result->work_symmv = gsl_eigen_symmv_alloc(n);
result->work_sv = gsl_vector_alloc(n);
result->eval_complex = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(n);
result->evec_complex = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(n, n);
result->eval_real = gsl_vector_alloc(n);
result->evec_real = gsl_matrix_alloc(n, n);
result->permutation = gsl_permutation_alloc(n);
result->tmp_mat = malloc(MAX_TEMP_MATRICES*sizeof(gsl_matrix*));
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_TEMP_MATRICES; i++)
result->tmp_mat[i] = gsl_matrix_alloc(3, 3);
result->tmp_mat_used = 0;
result->tmp_vec = malloc(MAX_TEMP_MATRICES*sizeof(gsl_vector*));
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_TEMP_MATRICES; i++)
result->tmp_vec[i] = gsl_vector_alloc(3);
result->tmp_vec_used = 0;
return result;
void workspace_free(workspace_t *workspace)
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_TEMP_MATRICES; i++)
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_TEMP_VECTORS; i++)
/************************************************** basic operations ********************************************************/
void invert(gsl_matrix *in, gsl_matrix *out, workspace_t *ws)
int s;
gsl_matrix *tmp = getTempMatrix(ws);
gsl_matrix_memcpy(tmp, in);
gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(tmp, ws->permutation, &s);
gsl_linalg_LU_invert(tmp, ws->permutation, out);
releaseTempMatrices(ws, 1);
void solve(gsl_matrix *A, gsl_vector *b, gsl_vector *result, workspace_t *ws)
int s;
gsl_matrix *tmp = getTempMatrix(ws);
gsl_matrix_memcpy(tmp, A);
gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(tmp, ws->permutation, &s);
gsl_linalg_LU_solve(tmp, ws->permutation, b, result);
releaseTempMatrices(ws, 1);
void conjugate(gsl_matrix *in, gsl_matrix *conjugator, gsl_matrix *out, workspace_t *ws)
gsl_matrix *tmp = getTempMatrix(ws);
invert(conjugator, out, ws); // use out to temporarily store inverse conjugator
gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, in, out, 0.0, tmp); // in * conjugator^{-1}
gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, conjugator, tmp, 0.0, out);
releaseTempMatrices(ws, 1);
void multiply(gsl_matrix *a, gsl_matrix *b, gsl_matrix *out)
gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, a, b, 0.0, out);
void multiply_right(gsl_matrix *a, gsl_matrix *b, workspace_t *ws)
gsl_matrix *tmp = getTempMatrix(ws);
gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, a, b, 0.0, tmp);
gsl_matrix_memcpy(a, tmp);
releaseTempMatrices(ws, 1);
void multiply_left(gsl_matrix *a, gsl_matrix *b, workspace_t *ws)
gsl_matrix *tmp = getTempMatrix(ws);
gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, a, b, 0.0, tmp);
gsl_matrix_memcpy(b, tmp);
releaseTempMatrices(ws, 1);
void multiply_many(workspace_t *ws, gsl_matrix *out, int n, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, n);
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
gsl_matrix *cur = va_arg(args, gsl_matrix *);
multiply_right(out, cur, ws);
void cartan_calc(gsl_matrix *g, double *mu, workspace_t *ws)
gsl_matrix *tmp = getTempMatrix(ws);
gsl_matrix_memcpy(tmp, g);
gsl_linalg_SV_decomp(tmp, ws->evec_real, ws->eval_real, ws->work_sv);
for(int i = 0; i < ws->n - 1; i++)
mu[i] = log(gsl_vector_get(ws->eval_real, i) / gsl_vector_get(ws->eval_real, i+1));
releaseTempMatrices(ws, 1);
void initialize(gsl_matrix *g, double *data, int x, int y)
gsl_matrix_view view = gsl_matrix_view_array(data, x, y);
gsl_matrix_memcpy(g, &view.matrix);
void rotation_matrix(gsl_matrix *g, double *vector)
double normalized[3];
double norm = sqrt(vector[0]*vector[0] + vector[1]*vector[1] + vector[2]*vector[2]);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
normalized[i] = vector[i] / norm;
gsl_matrix_set(g, 0, 0, cos(norm));
gsl_matrix_set(g, 0, 1, -sin(norm) * normalized[2]);
gsl_matrix_set(g, 0, 2, +sin(norm) * normalized[1]);
gsl_matrix_set(g, 1, 0, +sin(norm) * normalized[2]);
gsl_matrix_set(g, 1, 1, cos(norm));
gsl_matrix_set(g, 1, 2, -sin(norm) * normalized[0]);
gsl_matrix_set(g, 2, 0, -sin(norm) * normalized[1]);
gsl_matrix_set(g, 2, 1, +sin(norm) * normalized[0]);
gsl_matrix_set(g, 2, 2, cos(norm));
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
g->data[i * g->tda + j] += (1 - cos(norm)) * normalized[i] * normalized[j];
double trace(gsl_matrix *g)
return gsl_matrix_get(g, 0, 0) + gsl_matrix_get(g, 1, 1) + gsl_matrix_get(g, 2, 2);
double determinant(gsl_matrix *g, workspace_t *ws)
int s;
double result;
gsl_matrix *tmp = getTempMatrix(ws);
gsl_matrix_memcpy(tmp, g);
gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(tmp, ws->permutation, &s);
result = gsl_linalg_LU_det(tmp, s);
releaseTempMatrices(ws, 1);
return result;
int eigenvectors(gsl_matrix *g, gsl_matrix *evec_real, workspace_t *ws)
gsl_matrix *g_ = getTempMatrix(ws);
int success = 0;
gsl_matrix_memcpy(g_, g);
gsl_eigen_nonsymmv_params(0, ws->work_nonsymmv);
int r = gsl_eigen_nonsymmv(g_, ws->eval_complex, ws->evec_complex, ws->work_nonsymmv);
ERROR(r, "gsl_eigen_nonsymmv failed!\n");
gsl_eigen_nonsymmv_sort(ws->eval_complex, ws->evec_complex, GSL_EIGEN_SORT_ABS_DESC);
int real = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < ws->n; i++)
if(FCMP(GSL_IMAG(gsl_vector_complex_get(ws->eval_complex, i)), 0) != 0)
real = 0;
goto eigenvectors_out;
for(int i = 0; i < ws->n; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < ws->n; j++)
gsl_matrix_set(evec_real, i, j, GSL_REAL(gsl_matrix_complex_get(ws->evec_complex, i, j)));
success = 1;
releaseTempMatrices(ws, 1);
return success;
// only fills in the real eigenvectors and returns their count
int real_eigenvectors(gsl_matrix *g, gsl_matrix *evec_real, workspace_t *ws)
gsl_matrix *g_ = getTempMatrix(ws);
gsl_matrix_memcpy(g_, g);
gsl_eigen_nonsymmv_params(0, ws->work_nonsymmv);
int r = gsl_eigen_nonsymmv(g_, ws->eval_complex, ws->evec_complex, ws->work_nonsymmv);
ERROR(r, "gsl_eigen_nonsymmv failed!\n");
gsl_eigen_nonsymmv_sort(ws->eval_complex, ws->evec_complex, GSL_EIGEN_SORT_ABS_DESC);
int real = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < ws->n; i++) {
if(FCMP(GSL_IMAG(gsl_vector_complex_get(ws->eval_complex, i)), 0) == 0) {// real
if(evec_real) {
for(int j = 0; j < ws->n; j++)
gsl_matrix_set(evec_real, j, real, GSL_REAL(gsl_matrix_complex_get(ws->evec_complex, j, i)));
releaseTempMatrices(ws, 1);
return real;
void eigensystem_symm(gsl_matrix *g, gsl_vector *eval, gsl_matrix *evec, workspace_t *ws)
gsl_matrix *g_ = getTempMatrix(ws);
gsl_matrix_memcpy(g_, g);
int r = gsl_eigen_symmv (g_, eval, evec, ws->work_symmv);
ERROR(r, "gsl_eigen_symmv failed!\n");
gsl_eigen_symmv_sort(eval, evec, GSL_EIGEN_SORT_ABS_DESC);
releaseTempMatrices(ws, 1);
// returns number of positive directions and matrix transforming TO diagonal basis
int diagonalize_symmetric_form(gsl_matrix *A, gsl_matrix *cob, workspace_t *ws)
gsl_matrix *A_ = getTempMatrix(ws);
gsl_matrix_memcpy(A_, A);
int r = gsl_eigen_symmv (A_, ws->eval_real, cob, ws->work_symmv);
ERROR(r, "gsl_eigen_symmv failed!\n");
gsl_eigen_symmv_sort(ws->eval_real, cob, GSL_EIGEN_SORT_VAL_ASC);
int positive = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < ws->n; i++) {
if(gsl_vector_get(ws->eval_real, i) > 0)
for(int j = 0; j < ws->n; j++)
*gsl_matrix_ptr(cob, i, j) *= sqrt(fabs(gsl_vector_get(ws->eval_real, i)));
releaseTempMatrices(ws, 1);
return positive;
// computes a matrix in SL(3, R) which projectively transforms (e1, e2, e3, e1+e2+e3) to the 4 given vectors
void projective_frame(gsl_vector **vertices, gsl_matrix *result, workspace_t *ws)
gsl_matrix *tmp = getTempMatrix(ws);
gsl_vector *coeff = getTempVector(ws);
int s;
double det, scale;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
gsl_matrix_set(tmp, i, j, gsl_vector_get(vertices[j], i));
gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(tmp, ws->permutation, &s);
gsl_linalg_LU_solve(tmp, ws->permutation, vertices[3], coeff);
det = gsl_linalg_LU_det(tmp, s);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
det *= gsl_vector_get(coeff, i);
scale = 1/cbrt(det);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
gsl_matrix_set(result, i, j, scale*gsl_vector_get(vertices[j], i)*gsl_vector_get(coeff, j));
releaseTempMatrices(ws, 1);
releaseTempVectors(ws, 1);
void rotation_frame(gsl_matrix *rotation, gsl_matrix *result, workspace_t *ws)
gsl_matrix *tmp = getTempMatrix(ws);
gsl_matrix *rot_basis = getTempMatrix(ws);
gsl_matrix_memcpy(tmp, rotation);
gsl_eigen_nonsymmv_params(0, ws->work_nonsymmv);
int r = gsl_eigen_nonsymmv(tmp, ws->eval_complex, ws->evec_complex, ws->work_nonsymmv);
ERROR(r, "gsl_eigen_nonsymmv failed!\n");
double arg, minarg = 5; // greater than pi
int minidx;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
arg = gsl_complex_arg(gsl_vector_complex_get(ws->eval_complex, i));
if(abs(arg) < minarg)
minidx = i;
minarg = abs(arg);
ERROR(FCMP(minarg, 0.0) != 0, "rotation_frame() failed! No eigenvalue was 1.\n");
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
gsl_complex x = gsl_matrix_complex_get(ws->evec_complex, i, (minidx+1)%3);
gsl_complex y = gsl_matrix_complex_get(ws->evec_complex, i, (minidx+2)%3);
gsl_complex z = gsl_matrix_complex_get(ws->evec_complex, i, minidx);
gsl_matrix_set(result, i, 0, GSL_REAL(x)+GSL_REAL(y));
gsl_matrix_set(result, i, 1, GSL_IMAG(x)-GSL_IMAG(y));
gsl_matrix_set(result, i, 2, GSL_REAL(z));
releaseTempMatrices(ws, 2);
@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
#ifndef LINALG_H
#define LINALG_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_eigen.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_blas.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_linalg.h>
#include <memory.h>
#define ERROR(condition, msg, ...) if(condition){fprintf(stderr, msg, ##__VA_ARGS__); exit(1);}
#define FCMP(x, y) gsl_fcmp(x, y, 1e-10)
typedef struct _workspace {
int n;
gsl_eigen_nonsymmv_workspace *work_nonsymmv;
gsl_eigen_symmv_workspace *work_symmv;
gsl_vector *work_sv;
gsl_vector_complex *eval_complex;
gsl_matrix_complex *evec_complex;
gsl_vector *eval_real;
gsl_matrix *evec_real;
gsl_permutation *permutation;
gsl_matrix **tmp_mat;
int tmp_mat_used;
gsl_vector **tmp_vec;
int tmp_vec_used;
} workspace_t;
workspace_t *workspace_alloc(int n);
void workspace_free(workspace_t *workspace);
void solve(gsl_matrix *A, gsl_vector *b, gsl_vector *result, workspace_t *ws);
void invert(gsl_matrix *in, gsl_matrix *out, workspace_t *ws);
void conjugate(gsl_matrix *in, gsl_matrix *conjugator, gsl_matrix *out, workspace_t *ws);
void multiply(gsl_matrix *a, gsl_matrix *b, gsl_matrix *out);
void multiply_right(gsl_matrix *a, gsl_matrix *b, workspace_t *ws);
void multiply_left(gsl_matrix *a, gsl_matrix *b, workspace_t *ws);
void multiply_many(workspace_t *ws, gsl_matrix *out, int n, ...);
void cartan_calc(gsl_matrix *g, double *mu, workspace_t *ws);
void initialize(gsl_matrix *g, double *data, int x, int y);
void rotation_matrix(gsl_matrix *g, double *vector);
int jordan_calc(gsl_matrix *g, double *mu, workspace_t *ws);
double trace(gsl_matrix *g);
double determinant(gsl_matrix *g, workspace_t *ws);
int eigenvectors(gsl_matrix *g, gsl_matrix *evec, workspace_t *ws);
int real_eigenvectors(gsl_matrix *g, gsl_matrix *evec, workspace_t *ws);
void eigenvectors_symm(gsl_matrix *g, gsl_vector *eval, gsl_matrix *evec, workspace_t *ws);
int diagonalize_symmetric_form(gsl_matrix *A, gsl_matrix *cob, workspace_t *ws);
void projective_frame(gsl_vector **vertices, gsl_matrix *result, workspace_t *ws);
void rotation_frame(gsl_matrix *rotation, gsl_matrix *result, workspace_t *ws);
// matrix allocation stuff
static gsl_matrix **getTempMatrices(workspace_t *ws, int n)
ERROR(ws->tmp_mat_used + n > MAX_TEMP_MATRICES, "Ran out of temporary matrices. Consider increasing MAX_TEMP_MATRICES\n");
int index = ws->tmp_mat_used;
ws->tmp_mat_used += n;
return ws->tmp_mat + index;
static gsl_matrix *getTempMatrix(workspace_t *ws)
return *getTempMatrices(ws, 1);
static void releaseTempMatrices(workspace_t *ws, int n)
ERROR(ws->tmp_mat_used - n < 0, "Released more matrices then in use\n");
ws->tmp_mat_used -= n;
static gsl_vector **getTempVectors(workspace_t *ws, int n)
ERROR(ws->tmp_vec_used + n > MAX_TEMP_VECTORS, "Ran out of temporary vectors. Consider increasing MAX_TEMP_VECTORS\n");
int index = ws->tmp_vec_used;
ws->tmp_vec_used += n;
return ws->tmp_vec + index;
static gsl_vector *getTempVector(workspace_t *ws)
return *getTempVectors(ws, 1);
static void releaseTempVectors(workspace_t *ws, int n)
ERROR(ws->tmp_vec_used - n < 0, "Released more vectors then in use\n");
ws->tmp_vec_used -= n;
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
set log x
set y2tics
set xrange [exp(-1):1]
set yrange [1.5:2]
set y2range [1.98:2.1]
set grid
# set terminal pngcairo enhanced size 1500,1000
# set output "output/max_slope.png"
plot "output/max_slope_1621.dat" using 1:3 w lp pt 7 ps 0.6 lw 2 t "1621 elements", \
"output/max_slope_24428.dat" using 1:3 w lp pt 7 ps 0.6 lw 2 t "24428 elements", \
"output/max_slope_94252.dat" using 1:3 w lp lw 2 pt 7 ps 0.6 t "94252 elements", \
"output/max_slope_713698.dat" using 1:3 w lp lw 2 pt 7 ps 0.6 t "713698 elements", \
"output/max_slope_1621.dat" using 1:2 w p pt 7 ax x1y2 t "parameter"
pause mouse keypress
if(MOUSE_KEY != 113) reread
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
if(!exists("logt")) logt = log(1)
if(!exists("logs")) logs = log(1)
#file = sprintf("< ./singular_values 713698 %f %f", exp(logs), exp(logt))
file = sprintf("< ./singular_values 1621 %f %f", exp(logs), exp(logt))
set zeroaxis
set samples 1000
set size square
set xrange [0:30]
set yrange [0:30]
set trange [0:5]
set grid
set parametric
plot file using 8:9 w p pt 7 ps 1 lc 1 t sprintf("t = %.2f", exp(logt))
#plot for[i=-10:10] log(tr(t,t*exp(log(2)*i/10.0))),log(trinv(t,t*exp(log(2)*i/10.0))) w l lw 2 t ""
#plot for[i=-10:10] t,log(tr(t,t*exp(log(2)*i/10.0)))-t w l lw 2 t ""
##plot for[i=20:20] t,log(tr(1/t,exp(2*log(2)*i/20.0-log(2)))) w l lw 2 t ""
#if(n < 1000) reread
pause mouse keypress
if(MOUSE_KEY == 60) logt=logt-0.02
if(MOUSE_KEY == 62) logt=logt+0.02
if(MOUSE_KEY == 44) logs=logs-0.02
if(MOUSE_KEY == 46) logs=logs+0.02
if(MOUSE_KEY != 113) reread
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
if(!exists("i")) i = 0
file = sprintf("< ./singular_values %f 1.78", exp((i-50)*0.02))
set samples 1000
set size square
set xrange [0:30]
set yrange [0:30]
set trange [0:30]
set grid
set parametric
set terminal pngcairo enhanced size 1024,1024
img = sprintf("output/animation/test%03d.png", i);
print sprintf("write %s", img)
set output img
plot file using 6:7 w p pt 7 ps 0.5 lc 1 t columnheader, \
t,2*t w l lw 2 t "", \
t,t/2 w l lw 2 t ""
if(i <= 100) reread
@ -1,642 +0,0 @@
#include "coxeter.h"
//#include "linalg.h"
#include "mat.h"
//#include <gsl/gsl_poly.h>
#include <mps/mps.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define MIN(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y))
#define SWAP(t,x,y) do { t _tmp = (x); (x) = (y); (y) = _tmp; } while (0);
#define DEBUG(msg, ...) do { print_time(); fprintf(stderr, msg, ##__VA_ARGS__); } while (0);
//#define DEBUG(msg, ...)
#define TDIV 10
#define TFROM 1
#define TTO 9
#define MDIV 10
#define MFROM 1
#define MTO 9
#define JOBNR(t,m) (((t)-TFROM) + ((m)-MFROM)*(TTO-TFROM+1))
#define NJOBS ((TTO-TFROM+1)*(MTO-MFROM+1))
#define FLUSH_INTERVAL 100
enum message_tag {
struct job {
int tparam, mparam;
int done;
double max_slope;
double time;
struct result {
mpq_t tr;
mpq_t trinv;
struct global_data {
int n;
group_t *group;
mat* matrices;
struct result *invariants;
struct result **distinct_invariants;
mps_context *solver;
struct timespec starttime;
char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
int world_rank;
int world_size;
MPI_Datatype job_datatype;
void print_time()
double diff;
struct timespec current;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, ¤t);
diff = (current.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec) + (current.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec)*1e-9;
fprintf(stderr, "[%04d %.3f] ", world_rank, diff);
static struct global_data allocate_global_data(int n)
struct global_data result;
result.n = n;
result.matrices = malloc(n*sizeof(mat));
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
mat_init(result.matrices[i], 3);
result.invariants = malloc(n*sizeof(struct result));
result.distinct_invariants = malloc(n*sizeof(struct result*));
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
result.distinct_invariants[i] = &result.invariants[i];
result.solver = mps_context_new();
mps_context_set_output_prec(result.solver, 20); // relative precision
mps_context_set_output_goal(result.solver, MPS_OUTPUT_GOAL_APPROXIMATE);
return result;
void free_global_data(struct global_data dat)
for(int i = 0; i < dat.n; i++)
for(int i = 0; i < dat.n; i++) {
static int compare_result(const void *a_, const void *b_)
int d = 0;
struct result **a = (struct result **)a_;
struct result **b = (struct result **)b_;
d = mpq_cmp((*a)->tr,(*b)->tr);
if(d == 0)
d = mpq_cmp((*a)->trinv, (*b)->trinv);
return d;
int solve_characteristic_polynomial(mps_context *solv, mpq_t tr, mpq_t trinv, double *eigenvalues)
mpq_t coeff1, coeff2, zero;
cplx_t *roots;
double radii[3];
double *radii_p[3];
mps_monomial_poly *poly;
mps_boolean errors;
int result = 0;
mpq_inits(coeff1, coeff2, zero, NULL);
mpq_set(coeff1, trinv);
mpq_sub(coeff2, zero, tr);
poly = mps_monomial_poly_new(solv, 3);
mps_monomial_poly_set_coefficient_int(solv, poly, 0, -1, 0);
mps_monomial_poly_set_coefficient_q(solv, poly, 1, coeff1, zero);
mps_monomial_poly_set_coefficient_q(solv, poly, 2, coeff2, zero);
mps_monomial_poly_set_coefficient_int(solv, poly, 3, 1, 0);
mps_context_set_input_poly(solv, (mps_polynomial*)poly);
roots = cplx_valloc(3);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
radii_p[i] = &(radii[i]);
mps_context_get_roots_d(solv, &roots, radii_p);
errors = mps_context_has_errors(solv);
if(errors) {
result = 1;
} else {
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
eigenvalues[i] = cplx_Re(roots[i]);
if(fabs(cplx_Im(roots[i])) > radii[i]) // non-real root
result = 2;
mpq_clears(coeff1, coeff2, zero, NULL);
return result;
void continued_fraction_approximation(mpq_t out, double in, int level)
mpq_t tmp;
if(in < 0) {
mpq_set_ui(tmp, 0, 1);
continued_fraction_approximation(out, -in, level);
mpq_sub(out, tmp, out);
if(level == 0) {
mpq_set_si(out, (signed long int)round(in), 1); // floor(in)
} else {
continued_fraction_approximation(out, 1/(in - floor(in)), level - 1);
mpq_set_ui(tmp, 1, 1);
mpq_div(out, tmp, out); // out -> 1/out
mpq_set_si(tmp, (signed long int)in, 1); // floor(in)
mpq_add(out, out, tmp);
void quartic(mpq_t out, mpq_t in, int a, int b, int c, int d, int e)
mpq_t tmp;
mpq_set_si(out, a, 1);
mpq_mul(out, out, in);
mpq_set_si(tmp, b, 1);
mpq_add(out, out, tmp);
mpq_mul(out, out, in);
mpq_set_si(tmp, c, 1);
mpq_add(out, out, tmp);
mpq_mul(out, out, in);
mpq_set_si(tmp, d, 1);
mpq_add(out, out, tmp);
mpq_mul(out, out, in);
mpq_set_si(tmp, e, 1);
mpq_add(out, out, tmp);
// this version is only for the (4,4,4) group
void initialize_triangle_generators(mat_workspace *ws, mat *gen, mpq_t m, mpq_t t)
mpq_t s,sinv,q,x,y;
mpq_t zero, one, two;
mpq_t tmp;
mpq_set_ui(zero, 0, 1);
mpq_set_ui(one, 1, 1);
mpq_set_ui(two, 2, 1);
// s = (1-m^2)/2m
mpq_mul(s, m, m);
mpq_sub(s, one, s);
mpq_div(s, s, m);
mpq_div(s, s, two);
mpq_div(sinv, one, s);
// q = (1+m^2)/(1-m^2) = 2/(1-m^2) - 1
mpq_mul(q, m, m);
mpq_sub(q, one, q);
mpq_div(q, two, q);
mpq_sub(q, q, one);
// x = -tq, y = -q/t
mpq_mul(x, q, t);
mpq_sub(x, zero, x);
mpq_div(y, q, t);
mpq_sub(y, zero, y);
// q^2 = xy = 1 + 1/s^2
// [ -s s*y 0]
// [ -s*x s*x*y - 1/s 0]
// [ -s*y s*y^2 - x 1]
LOOP(i,3) {
mpq_sub(tmp, zero, s);
mat_set(gen[i%3], i%3, i%3, tmp);
mpq_mul(tmp, s, y);
mat_set(gen[i%3], i%3, (i+1)%3, tmp);
mpq_mul(tmp, s, x);
mpq_sub(tmp, zero, tmp);
mat_set(gen[i%3], (i+1)%3, i%3, tmp);
mpq_mul(tmp, s, x);
mpq_mul(tmp, tmp, y);
mpq_sub(tmp, tmp, sinv);
mat_set(gen[i%3], (i+1)%3, (i+1)%3, tmp);
mpq_mul(tmp, s, y);
mpq_sub(tmp, zero, tmp);
mat_set(gen[i%3], (i+2)%3, i%3, tmp);
mpq_mul(tmp, s, y);
mpq_mul(tmp, tmp, y);
mpq_sub(tmp, tmp, x);
mat_set(gen[i%3], (i+2)%3, (i+1)%3, tmp);
mat_set(gen[i%3], (i+2)%3, (i+2)%3, one);
LOOP(i,3) mat_pseudoinverse(ws, gen[i+3], gen[i]);
// debug output
gmp_printf("m = %Qd, s = %Qd, t = %Qd, q = %Qd, x = %Qd, y = %Qd\n", m, s, t, q, x, y);
char *print_word(groupelement_t *g, char *str)
int i = g->length - 1;
str[g->length] = 0;
while(g->parent) {
str[i--] = 'a' + g->letter;
g = g->parent;
return str;
void enumerate(group_t *group, mat *matrices, mpq_t m, mpq_t t)
mat_workspace *ws;
mat tmp;
mat gen[6];
char buf[100], buf2[100], buf3[100];
// allocate stuff
ws = mat_workspace_init(3);
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
mat_init(gen[i], 3);
mat_init(tmp, 3);
initialize_triangle_generators(ws, gen, m, t);
for(int i = 1; i < group->size; i++) {
if(group->elements[i].length % 2 != 0)
int parent = group->elements[i].parent->id;
int grandparent = group->elements[i].parent->parent->id;
int letter;
if(group->elements[parent].letter == 1 && group->elements[i].letter == 2)
letter = 0; // p = bc
else if(group->elements[parent].letter == 2 && group->elements[i].letter == 0)
letter = 1; // q = ca
else if(group->elements[parent].letter == 0 && group->elements[i].letter == 1)
letter = 2; // r = ab
if(group->elements[parent].letter == 2 && group->elements[i].letter == 1)
letter = 3; // p^{-1} = cb
else if(group->elements[parent].letter == 0 && group->elements[i].letter == 2)
letter = 4; // q^{-1} = ac
else if(group->elements[parent].letter == 1 && group->elements[i].letter == 0)
letter = 5; // r^{-1} = ba
mat_multiply(ws, matrices[i], matrices[grandparent], gen[letter]);
// free stuff
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
double compute_max_slope(struct global_data dat, mpq_t t, mpq_t m)
// mpq_set_ui(t, ttick, 100);
// mpq_set_ui(m, mtick, 100); // 414/1000 ~ sqrt(2)-1 <-> s=1
// s = (1-mpq_get_d(m)*mpq_get_d(m))/(2*mpq_get_d(m));
int n = 0;
int nmax = dat.n;
int nuniq;
double max_slope;
int retval;
double evs[3];
group_t *group =;
mat *matrices = dat.matrices;
struct result *invariants = dat.invariants;
struct result **distinct_invariants = dat.distinct_invariants;
mps_context *solver = dat.solver;
// DEBUG("Compute matrices\n");
enumerate(group, matrices, m, t);
// DEBUG("Compute traces\n");
n = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < nmax; i++) {
if(group->elements[i].length % 2 != 0 || !group->elements[i].inverse)
mat_trace(invariants[i].tr, matrices[i]);
mat_trace(invariants[i].trinv, matrices[group->elements[i].inverse->id]);
distinct_invariants[n++] = &invariants[i];
// DEBUG("Get unique traces\n");
qsort(distinct_invariants, n, sizeof(struct result*), compare_result);
nuniq = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if(i == 0 || compare_result(&distinct_invariants[i], &distinct_invariants[nuniq-1]) != 0)
distinct_invariants[nuniq++] = distinct_invariants[i];
max_slope = 0;
int max_slope_index;
// DEBUG("Solve characteristic polynomials\n");
for(int i = 0; i < nuniq; i++) {
retval = solve_characteristic_polynomial(solver, distinct_invariants[i]->tr, distinct_invariants[i]->trinv, evs);
if(retval == 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error! Could not solve polynomial.\n");
} else if(retval == 2) {
if(fabs(evs[0]) < fabs(evs[1]))
SWAP(double, evs[0], evs[1]);
if(fabs(evs[1]) < fabs(evs[2]))
SWAP(double, evs[1], evs[2]);
if(fabs(evs[0]) < fabs(evs[1]))
SWAP(double, evs[0], evs[1]);
double x = log(fabs(evs[0]));
double y = -log(fabs(evs[2]));
if(y/x > max_slope && (x > 0.1 || y > 0.1)) {
max_slope_index = distinct_invariants[i] - invariants;
max_slope = y/x;
// gmp_printf("%Qd %Qd %f %f %f\n", distinct_invariants[i]->tr, distinct_invariants[i]->trinv, x, y, y/x);
return max_slope;
void write_results_and_end(struct job *jobs, const char *outfile)
DEBUG("writing output and shutting down\n");
FILE *f = fopen(outfile, "w");
for(int i = 0; i < NJOBS; i++)
fprintf(f, "%d/%d %d/%d %.10f %.10f %.10f %.3f\n",
jobs[i].tparam, TDIV, jobs[i].mparam, MDIV,
(double)jobs[i].tparam/TDIV, (double)jobs[i].mparam/MDIV, jobs[i].max_slope,
for(int i = 1; i < world_size; i++)
MPI_Send(NULL, 0, job_datatype, i, JOB_SHUTDOWN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
void run_master_process(int nmax, const char *restart, const char *outfile)
int total_jobs = NJOBS;
int completed = 0;
int queue_jobs = MIN(total_jobs, 2*world_size);
struct job current_job;
MPI_Status status;
FILE *f;
int continuing = 1;
int restartf;
struct job *alljobs;
struct job *current;
restartf = open(restart, O_RDWR);
if(restartf == -1 && errno == ENOENT) {
restartf = open(restart, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666);
continuing = 0;
if(restartf == -1) {
DEBUG("error opening restart file: %s\n", strerror(errno));
ftruncate(restartf, total_jobs*sizeof(struct job));
alljobs = (struct job*) mmap(0, total_jobs*sizeof(struct job), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, restartf, 0);
if(alljobs == MAP_FAILED) {
DEBUG("error mapping restart file: %s\n", strerror(errno));
if(continuing) {
for(int i = 0; i < total_jobs; i++)
} else {
for(int tparam = TFROM; tparam <= TTO; tparam++) {
for(int mparam = MFROM; mparam <= MTO; mparam++) {
alljobs[JOBNR(tparam,mparam)].tparam = tparam;
alljobs[JOBNR(tparam,mparam)].mparam = mparam;
alljobs[JOBNR(tparam,mparam)].done = 0;
if(continuing) {
DEBUG("continuing from restart file, %d/%d jobs completed, %d nodes\n", completed, total_jobs, world_size);
} else {
DEBUG("starting from scratch, %d jobs, %d nodes\n", total_jobs, world_size);
if(completed >= total_jobs)
write_results_and_end(alljobs, outfile);
goto cleanup;
// assign initial jobs
current = alljobs-1;
for(int i = 0; i < 2*world_size; i++) {
do {
} while(current < alljobs + total_jobs && current->done);
if(current >= alljobs + total_jobs) // all jobs are assigned
MPI_Send(current, 1, job_datatype, 1 + i%(world_size-1), JOB_ORDER, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
while(1) {
if(status.MPI_TAG == JOB_RESULT) {
MPI_Recv(¤t_job, 1, job_datatype, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, JOB_RESULT, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
DEBUG("job (%d,%d) completed by instance %d in %f seconds, result = %.3f, %d/%d done\n",
current_job.tparam, current_job.mparam,
status.MPI_SOURCE, current_job.time, current_job.max_slope, completed, total_jobs);
int nr = JOBNR(current_job.tparam, current_job.mparam);
memcpy(&alljobs[nr], ¤t_job, sizeof(struct job));
alljobs[nr].done = 1;
if(completed % FLUSH_INTERVAL == 0)
// find the next unassigned job
do {
} while(current < alljobs + total_jobs && current->done);
if(current < alljobs + total_jobs) {
MPI_Send(current, 1, job_datatype, status.MPI_SOURCE, JOB_ORDER, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
if(completed >= total_jobs) {
write_results_and_end(alljobs, outfile);
goto cleanup;
munmap(alljobs, total_jobs*sizeof(struct job));
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int name_len;
MPI_Status status;
mpq_t m, t;
double s;
struct job current_job;
int nmax;
double max_slope;
struct global_data dat;
double jobtime;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &starttime);
if(argc < 4) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: mpirun -n <nr> --hostfile <hostfile> %s <number of elements> <restartfile> <outfile>\n", argv[0]);
return 0;
nmax = atoi(argv[1]);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank);
MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name, &name_len);
// DEBUG("instance %d/%d started on %s\n", world_rank, world_size, processor_name);
int blocklengths[2] = {3, 2};
MPI_Datatype types[2] = {MPI_INT, MPI_DOUBLE};
MPI_Aint displacements[2] = {(size_t)&((struct job*)0)->tparam, (size_t)&((struct job*)0)->max_slope};
MPI_Type_create_struct(2, blocklengths, displacements, types, &job_datatype);
if(world_rank == 0) { // master processor
run_master_process(nmax, argv[2], argv[3]);
return 0;
// DEBUG("Allocate & generate group\n");
mpq_inits(m, t, NULL);
dat = allocate_global_data(nmax);
|||||| = coxeter_init_triangle(4, 4, 4, nmax);
// fprintf(stderr, "max word length = %d\n",>elements[nmax-1].length);
while(1) {
MPI_Probe(0, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
// MPI_Recv(¤t_job, 1, job_datatype, 0, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
if(status.MPI_TAG == JOB_SHUTDOWN) {
// DEBUG("instance %d shutting down\n", world_rank);
else if(status.MPI_TAG == JOB_ORDER) {
MPI_Recv(¤t_job, 1, job_datatype, 0, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
DEBUG("instance %d starting order (%d,%d)\n", world_rank, current_job.tparam, current_job.mparam);
jobtime = -MPI_Wtime();
// do the actual work
mpq_set_ui(t, current_job.tparam, TDIV);
mpq_set_ui(m, current_job.mparam, MDIV);
s = (1-mpq_get_d(m)*mpq_get_d(m))/(2*mpq_get_d(m));
max_slope = compute_max_slope(dat, t, m);
jobtime += MPI_Wtime();
// fprintf(stdout, "%.5f %.5f %.5f %f\n",
// mpq_get_d(t), mpq_get_d(m), s, max_slope);
current_job.max_slope = max_slope;
current_job.time = jobtime;
DEBUG("instance %d finished order (%d,%d) in %f seconds\n", world_rank, current_job.tparam, current_job.mparam, jobtime);
MPI_Send(¤t_job, 1, job_datatype, 0, JOB_RESULT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// DEBUG("Clean up\n");
mpq_clears(m, t, NULL);
@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
#include "coxeter.h"
#include "linalg.h"
#include "mat.h"
#include "enumerate_triangle_group.h"
#define SWAP(t,x,y) do { t _tmp = (x); (x) = (y); (y) = _tmp; } while (0);
#define DEBUG(msg, ...)
double mpq_log(mpq_t m_op)
static double logB = log(ULONG_MAX);
// Undefined logs (should probably return NAN in second case?)
if (mpz_get_ui(mpq_numref(m_op)) == 0 || mpz_sgn(mpq_numref(m_op)) < 0)
return -INFINITY;
// Log of numerator
double lognum = log(mpq_numref(m_op)->_mp_d[abs(mpq_numref(m_op)->_mp_size) - 1]);
lognum += (abs(mpq_numref(m_op)->_mp_size)-1) * logB;
// Subtract log of denominator, if it exists
if (abs(mpq_denref(m_op)->_mp_size) > 0)
lognum -= log(mpq_denref(m_op)->_mp_d[abs(mpq_denref(m_op)->_mp_size)-1]);
lognum -= (abs(mpq_denref(m_op)->_mp_size)-1) * logB;
return lognum;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
mpq_t m, t, s, q, tmp, tmp2;
mat_workspace *ws;
mat gen[6];
mps_context *solver;
mps_monomial_poly *poly;
mat element, inverse;
int letter1, letter2, letter;
mpq_t tr, trinv;
double x, y, slope;
int retval;
double evs[3];
char buf[100];
double max_slope = 0;
int max_slope_index = 0;
double min_slope = INFINITY;
int min_slope_index = 0;
char *env;
int mode;
if(argc < 2) {
"Usage: %s <s> <q> <word1> <word2> ...\n"
"Computes jordan slopes of a list of group elements for a fixed representation.\n"
"s,q: representation in the Hitchin component, given as rational numbers, e.g. 2/7\n"
"word1, word2, ...: elements in the triangle rotation group, given as reflection group words\n"
"output: word - jordan slope pairs\n"
"+max slope index, max slope value, max slope word, min slope index, min slope value, min slope word\n"
"controlled by environment variable MAXIMUM=no/yes/only, default yes\n",
mpq_inits(m, t, s, q, tmp, tmp2, tr, trinv, NULL);
ws = mat_workspace_init(3);
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
mat_init(gen[i], 3);
mat_init(element, 3);
mat_init(inverse, 3);
solver = mps_context_new();
poly = mps_monomial_poly_new(solver, 3);
mps_context_set_output_prec(solver, 20); // relative precision
mps_context_set_output_goal(solver, MPS_OUTPUT_GOAL_APPROXIMATE);
mpq_set_str(s, argv[1], 10);
mpq_set_str(q, argv[2], 10);
env = getenv("MAXIMUM");
if(!env || strcmp(env, "yes") == 0) {
mode = 1; // yes
} else if(strcmp(env, "no") == 0) {
mode = 0; // no
} else if(strcmp(env, "only") == 0) {
mode = 2; // only
for(int w = 0; w < argc - 3; w++) {
initialize_triangle_generators(ws, gen, 6, 4, 3, s, q);
for(int k = 0; k < strlen(argv[w+3]); k+=2) {
letter1 = argv[w+3][k] - 'a';
letter2 = argv[w+3][k+1] - 'a';
if(letter1 == 1 && letter2 == 2)
letter = 0; // p = bc
else if(letter1 == 2 && letter2 == 0)
letter = 1; // q = ca
else if(letter1 == 0 && letter2 == 1)
letter = 2; // r = ab
else if(letter1 == 2 && letter2 == 1)
letter = 3; // p^{-1} = cb
else if(letter1 == 0 && letter2 == 2)
letter = 4; // q^{-1} = ac
else if(letter1 == 1 && letter2 == 0)
letter = 5; // r^{-1} = ba
mat_multiply(ws, element, element, gen[letter]);
mat_multiply(ws, inverse, gen[(letter+3)%6], inverse);
mat_trace(tr, element);
mat_trace(trinv, inverse);
retval = solve_characteristic_polynomial(solver, poly, tr, trinv, evs);
if(retval == 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error! Could not solve polynomial.\n");
return 1;
if(fabs(evs[0]) < fabs(evs[1]))
SWAP(double, evs[0], evs[1]);
if(fabs(evs[1]) < fabs(evs[2]))
SWAP(double, evs[1], evs[2]);
if(fabs(evs[0]) < fabs(evs[1]))
SWAP(double, evs[0], evs[1]);
x = log(fabs(evs[0]));
y = -log(fabs(evs[2]));
if(x > DBL_MAX || y > DBL_MAX) {
mpq_abs(tmp, tr);
mpq_abs(tmp2, trinv);
slope = mpq_log(tmp)/mpq_log(tmp2);
} else {
slope = y/x;
if(slope < 1)
slope = 1/slope;
if(slope > max_slope) {
max_slope = slope;
max_slope_index = w;
if(slope < min_slope) {
min_slope = slope;
min_slope_index = w;
if(mode != 2) {
// gmp_printf("%s %.9f %Qd %Qd\n", argv[w+3], slope, tr, trinv);
gmp_printf("%s %.9f %.9f %.9f\n", argv[w+3], slope, x, y);
if(mode != 0)
printf("%d %.9f %s %d %.9f %s\n",
max_slope_index, max_slope, argv[max_slope_index+3],
min_slope_index, min_slope, argv[min_slope_index+3]);
mpq_clears(m, t, s, q, tmp, tmp2, tr, trinv, NULL);
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
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