added index attribute, fixed F4 Cartan matrix
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "thickenings.h"
#include "coxeter.h"
#include "queue.h"
#define SWAP(t, a, b) do {t tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp;} while(0)
char *stringify_SLn1_permutation(int *word, int wordlength, int rank, char *str)
for(int i = 0; i <= rank; i++)
str[i] = '1' + i;
str[rank+1] = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < wordlength; i++) {
char tmp = str[word[i]];
str[word[i]] = str[word[i]+1];
str[word[i]+1] = tmp;
return str;
char *stringify_Onn1_permutation(int *word, int wordlength, int rank, char *str)
for(int i = 0; i <= rank*2; i++)
str[i] = '1' + i;
str[2*rank+1] = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < wordlength; i++) {
if(word[i] == 0)
SWAP(char, str[rank-1], str[rank+1]);
else {
SWAP(char, str[rank-word[i]], str[rank-word[i]-1]);
SWAP(char, str[rank+word[i]], str[rank+word[i]+1]);
return str;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
FILE *infile;
struct stat st;
int rank, order, hyperplanes;
semisimple_type_t type;
int n;
signed char *level;
node_t *graph;
int *left, *right;
int left_invariant, right_invariant;
int left_invariant_wanted = 0, right_invariant_wanted = 0;
unsigned long left_invariance, right_invariance;
edgelist_t *edgelists;
int *words;
queue_t queue;
int current;
int *seen;
int *generators;
int ngens;
char string_buffer1[1000];
const char *alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
// parse arguments
if(argc < 2)
infile = stdin;
else {
if(strcmp(argv[1], "-") == 0)
infile = stdin;
infile = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
if(argc >= 4) {
if(strcmp(argv[2], "-") != 0)
for(int i = 0; i < strlen(argv[2]); i++)
left_invariant_wanted |= (1 << (argv[2][i] - 'a'));
if(strcmp(argv[3], "-") != 0)
for(int i = 0; i < strlen(argv[3]); i++)
right_invariant_wanted |= (1 << (argv[3][i] - 'a'));
fread(&type.n, sizeof(int), 1, infile); // we completely trust the input data
type.factors = malloc(type.n * sizeof(simple_type_t));
fread(type.factors, sizeof(simple_type_t), type.n, infile);
fread(&left_invariance, sizeof(simple_type_t), type.n, infile);
fread(&right_invariance, sizeof(simple_type_t), type.n, infile);
// get graph
rank = coxeter_rank(type);
order = coxeter_order(type);
hyperplanes = coxeter_hyperplanes(type);
ERROR(strlen(alphabet) < rank, "The alphabet has too few letters\n");
seen = (int*)malloc(order*sizeof(int));
generators = (int*)malloc(order*sizeof(int));
level = (signed char*)malloc(order*sizeof(int));
graph = graph_alloc(type);
prepare_graph(type, graph);
// finally do stuff
int counter = 0;
while(fread(level, sizeof(signed char), order, infile) == order) {
if((counter++) % 100000 == 0)
print_thickening(rank, order, level, 0, 0, 0, alphabet, stdout);
left_invariant = right_invariant = -1; // all 1s
for(int j = 0; j < order; j++) {
for(int k = 0; k < rank; k++) {
if(level[j] > 0 && level[graph[j].left[k]] < 0 || level[j] < 0 && level[graph[j].left[k]] > 0) {
left_invariant &= ~(1 << k);
if(level[j] > 0 && level[graph[j].right[k]] < 0 || level[j] < 0 && level[graph[j].right[k]] > 0) {
right_invariant &= ~(1 << k);
if((~left_invariant & left_invariant_wanted) == 0 && (~right_invariant & right_invariant_wanted) == 0) {
ngens = 0;
memset(generators, 0, order*sizeof(int));
for(int j = 0; j < order; j++) {
if(level[j] == HEAD_MARKER && generators[j] == 0) { // ignore the generator, if it is equivalent to one already seen
queue_put(&queue, j);
while((current = queue_get(&queue)) != -1) {
if(generators[current] == 0) { // visit everyone only once
generators[current] = ngens;
for(int k = 0; k < rank; k++) {
if(left_invariant & (1 << k))
queue_put(&queue, graph[current].left[k]);
if(right_invariant & (1 << k))
queue_put(&queue, graph[current].right[k]);
printf("left: ");
for(int j = 0; j < rank; j++)
printf("%c", left_invariant & (1 << j) ? alphabet[j] : ' ');
printf(" right: ");
for(int j = 0; j < rank; j++)
printf("%c", right_invariant & (1 << j) ? alphabet[j] : ' ');
printf(" generators: ");
memset(seen, 0, order*sizeof(int));
for(int i = 0; i < order; i++) {
if(generators[i] != 0 && seen[generators[i]-1] == 0) {
seen[generators[i]-1] = 1;
// if(type.n == 1 && type.factors[0].series == 'A')
// printf("%s ", stringify_SLn1_permutation(graph[i].word, graph[i].wordlength, rank, string_buffer1));
// else if(type.n == 1 && (type.factors[0].series == 'B' || type.factors[0].series == 'C'))
// printf("%s ", stringify_Onn1_permutation(graph[i].word, graph[i].wordlength, rank, string_buffer1));
// else
if(i == 0)
printf("1 ");
printf("%s ", alphabetize(graph[i].word, graph[i].wordlength, alphabet, string_buffer1));
if(infile != stdin)
// cleanup
graph_free(type, graph);
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "thickenings.h"
#include "weyl.h"
#include "queue.h"
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
FILE *infile;
semisimple_type_t type;
unsigned long left_invariance, right_invariance; // these are the invariances we have already modded out
unsigned long left_invariant, right_invariant; // these are the invariances of the thickening under consideration
int rank, cosets;
node_t *graph;
signed char *thickening;
int *seen, *generators;
queue_t queue;
int ngenerators;
int current;
char string_buffer1[1000];
const char *alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
if(argc < 2)
infile = stdin;
infile = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
// we completely trust the input data
ERROR(fread(&type.n, sizeof(int), 1, infile) == 0, "The input file seems to be empty!\n");
type.factors = malloc(type.n * sizeof(simple_type_t));
fread(type.factors, sizeof(simple_type_t), type.n, infile);
fread(&left_invariance, sizeof(simple_type_t), type.n, infile);
fread(&right_invariance, sizeof(simple_type_t), type.n, infile);
rank = weyl_rank(type);
graph = graph_alloc(type);
cosets = prepare_simplified_graph(type, left_invariance, right_invariance, graph);
thickening = (signed char*)malloc(cosets*sizeof(signed char));
generators = (int*)malloc(cosets*sizeof(int));
seen = (int*)malloc(cosets*sizeof(int));
while(fread(thickening, sizeof(signed char), cosets, infile) == cosets) {
// determine invariances of this thickening
left_invariant = right_invariant = -1; // set all bits to 1
for(int j = 0; j < cosets; j++) {
for(int k = 0; k < rank; k++) {
if(thickening[j] > 0 && thickening[graph[j].left[k]] < 0 ||
thickening[j] < 0 && thickening[graph[j].left[k]] > 0)
left_invariant &= ~(1 << k);
if(thickening[j] > 0 && thickening[graph[j].right[k]] < 0 ||
thickening[j] < 0 && thickening[graph[j].right[k]] > 0)
right_invariant &= ~(1 << k);
// print this stuff
printf("left: ");
for(int j = 0; j < rank; j++)
printf("%c", left_invariant & (1 << j) ? alphabet[j] : ' ');
printf(" right: ");
for(int j = 0; j < rank; j++)
printf("%c", right_invariant & (1 << j) ? alphabet[j] : ' ');
printf(" generators: ");
// find a minimal set of weyl group elements such that the union of the ideals generated by their cosets wrt the invariances determined above gives the thickening
// in the first step, mark everything which is equivalent to a "head" by a generator id
ngenerators = 0;
memset(generators, 0, cosets*sizeof(int));
for(int j = 0; j < cosets; j++) {
if(thickening[j] == HEAD_MARKER && generators[j] == 0) { // ignore the generator, if it is equivalent to one already seen
queue_put(&queue, j);
while((current = queue_get(&queue)) != -1) {
if(generators[current] == 0) { // visit everyone only once
generators[current] = ngenerators;
for(int k = 0; k < rank; k++) {
if(left_invariant & (1 << k))
queue_put(&queue, graph[current].left[k]);
if(right_invariant & (1 << k))
queue_put(&queue, graph[current].right[k]);
// in the second step, go through the list in ascending word length order and print the first appearance of each generator id
memset(seen, 0, cosets*sizeof(int));
for(int i = 0; i < cosets; i++) {
if(generators[i] != 0 && seen[generators[i]-1] == 0) {
seen[generators[i]-1] = 1;
printf("%s ", alphabetize(graph[i].word, graph[i].wordlength, alphabet, string_buffer1));
if(infile != stdin)
graph_free(type, graph);
seen = (int*)malloc(order*sizeof(int));
generators = (int*)malloc(order*sizeof(int));
level = (signed char*)malloc(order*sizeof(int));
graph = graph_alloc(type);
prepare_graph(type, graph);
// finally do stuff
int counter = 0;
while(fread(level, sizeof(signed char), order, infile) == order) {
if((~left_invariant & left_invariant_wanted) == 0 && (~right_invariant & right_invariant_wanted) == 0) {
ngens = 0;
memset(generators, 0, order*sizeof(int));
for(int j = 0; j < order; j++) {
if(level[j] == HEAD_MARKER && generators[j] == 0) { // ignore the generator, if it is equivalent to one already seen
queue_put(&queue, j);
while((current = queue_get(&queue)) != -1) {
if(generators[current] == 0) { // visit everyone only once
generators[current] = ngens;
for(int k = 0; k < rank; k++) {
if(left_invariant & (1 << k))
queue_put(&queue, graph[current].left[k]);
if(right_invariant & (1 << k))
queue_put(&queue, graph[current].right[k]);
printf("left: ");
for(int j = 0; j < rank; j++)
printf("%c", left_invariant & (1 << j) ? alphabet[j] : ' ');
printf(" right: ");
for(int j = 0; j < rank; j++)
printf("%c", right_invariant & (1 << j) ? alphabet[j] : ' ');
printf(" generators: ");
memset(seen, 0, order*sizeof(int));
for(int i = 0; i < order; i++) {
if(generators[i] != 0 && seen[generators[i]-1] == 0) {
seen[generators[i]-1] = 1;
// if(type.n == 1 && type.factors[0].series == 'A')
// printf("%s ", stringify_SLn1_permutation(graph[i].word, graph[i].wordlength, rank, string_buffer1));
// else if(type.n == 1 && (type.factors[0].series == 'B' || type.factors[0].series == 'C'))
// printf("%s ", stringify_Onn1_permutation(graph[i].word, graph[i].wordlength, rank, string_buffer1));
// else
if(i == 0)
printf("1 ");
printf("%s ", alphabetize(graph[i].word, graph[i].wordlength, alphabet, string_buffer1));
if(infile != stdin)
// cleanup
graph_free(type, graph);
return 0;
@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ void weyl_cartan_matrix(semisimple_type_t type, int *m)
A[1][3] = A[3][1] = -1;
case 'F':
A[3][2] = -2;
A[2][1] = -2;
case 'G':
A[1][0] = -3;
@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ struct _weylgroup_element {
weylgroup_element_t **left;
weylgroup_element_t **right;
weylgroup_element_t *opposite;
int is_root_reflection; // boolean value
weylid_t id;
int is_root_reflection; // boolean value
weylid_t id; // a unique id
int index;
// only set if quotient is generated
doublecoset_t *coset;
@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ struct _doublecoset {
doublecoset_t *opposite;
weylgroup_element_t *max;
weylgroup_element_t *min;
int index;
struct _doublecoset_list {
@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ struct _doublequotient {
semisimple_type_t type;
int left_invariance; // bitmask with rank bits
int right_invariance;
int count; // number of cosets
int count; // number of double cosets
doublecoset_t *cosets;
weylgroup_element_t *group;
doublecoset_list_t *lists; // only for memory allocation / freeing
@ -79,15 +81,34 @@ struct _doublequotient {
/***************************** functions **************************************/
/* query some basic information on root systems / Weyl groups */
// the rank
int weyl_rank(semisimple_type_t type);
// the order of the weyl group
int weyl_order(semisimple_type_t type);
// the number of reduced positive roots
int weyl_positive(semisimple_type_t type);
// the Cartan matrix (has rank columns and rank rows)
void weyl_cartan_matrix(semisimple_type_t type, int *m);
// the opposition involution as a map from simple roots to simple roots (indexed from 0 to rank-1)
int weyl_opposition(semisimple_type_t type, int simple_root);
/* generate the Weyl group:
weyl_destroy() has to be used to free memory
weylgroup_t *weyl_generate(semisimple_type_t type);
void weyl_destroy(weylgroup_t *group);
/* generate a double quotient of the Weyl group and its Bruhat order:
left_invariance and right_invariance are bitmaps specifying a subset of the simple roots
The Weyl group will be quotiented from the left and right by the subgroups generated by these simple root reflections
weyl_destroy_bruhat() has to be used to free memory
doublequotient_t *weyl_generate_bruhat(semisimple_type_t type, int left_invariance, int right_invariance);
void weyl_destroy_bruhat(doublequotient_t *dq);
Reference in New Issue
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