2022-10-15 12:05:14 +00:00
import numpy as np
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import math
from copy import copy
from collections import deque
class Root:
def __init__(self, id, rank, depth = 0, v = None, neighbors = None):
self.id = id
self.rank = rank
self.depth = depth
if v:
self.v = v
self.v = [0] * rank
if neighbors:
self.neighbors = neighbors
self.neighbors = [None] * rank
def __copy__(self):
return Root(self.id, self.rank, self.depth, self.v.copy(), self.neighbors.copy())
2022-07-11 12:59:54 +00:00
class Groupelement:
def __init__(self, id, rank, word):
self.id = id
self.rank = rank
self.word = word
self.length = len(word)
self.left = [None]*rank
self.right = [None]*rank
self.node = None
self.lex_node = None
self.inverse = None
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# compute <alpha_k, beta> where alpha_k is one of the simple roots and beta any root
def form_gen_root(form, k, root):
rank = len(form)
return sum([root[i] * form[i][k] for i in range(rank)])
# compute beta - 2<alpha_k, beta>alpha_k, i.e. the reflection of beta along alpha_k
def apply_gen_to_root(form, k, root):
root[k] -= 2*form_gen_root(form, k, root)
# find a sequence of generators to apply to obtain a negative root, from left to right
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# "startwith" argument can be used to force the first entry
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def find_word_to_negative(form, root_, startwith = None):
rank = len(form)
root = root_.copy()
word = []
while not next(filter(lambda x: x < -1e-6, root), None): # while root has no negative entry
for k in range(rank):
if startwith and k != startwith:
# avoiding 0 might be a problem for reducible groups?
f = form_gen_root(form, k, root)
if f > 1e-6:
apply_gen_to_root(form, k, root)
startwith = None
return word
# use find_word_to_negative() to find the root, if we already have it
def find_root_from_vector(form, roots, vector):
rank = len(form)
for k in range(rank):
word = find_word_to_negative(form, vector, startwith = k)
if not word:
rootobj = roots[word.pop()]
while len(word) > 0:
letter = word.pop()
if not rootobj.neighbors[letter]:
rootobj = None
rootobj = rootobj.neighbors[letter]
if rootobj:
return rootobj
return None
def find_small_roots(form):
rank = len(form)
small_roots = []
# the simple roots are just the standard basis vectors
for i in range(rank):
r = Root(i, rank)
r.v[i] = 1
r.depth = 1
# find the other small roots by applying generators to all existing roots
# and using find_root_from_vector() to see if we already have it
# then add it if it is a small root = was obtained via a short edge (form between -1 and 0)
i = 0
while i < len(small_roots):
root = small_roots[i]
for k in range(rank):
newroot = root.v.copy()
apply_gen_to_root(form, k, newroot)
rootobj = find_root_from_vector(form, small_roots, newroot)
if rootobj:
root.neighbors[k] = rootobj
f = form_gen_root(form, k, root.v)
if f > -1 + 1e-6 and f < -1e-6: # root is new and is a small root
rootobj = Root(len(small_roots), rank, root.depth+1, newroot)
root.neighbors[k] = rootobj
i = i+1
return small_roots
def apply_gen_to_node(small_roots, k, node, position, lex_reduced = False):
# if we want to get the lex reduced langauge
if lex_reduced:
for j in range(k):
if small_roots[j].neighbors[k] and position == small_roots[j].neighbors[k].id:
return 1
if position == k:
return 1
elif small_roots[position].neighbors[k]:
swappos = small_roots[position].neighbors[k].id
return node[swappos]
return 0
def generate_automaton(small_roots, lex_reduced = False):
nroots = len(small_roots)
rank = small_roots[0].rank
start = tuple([0]*nroots)
todo = deque([start])
nodes = {start: 0}
levels = {start: 0}
edges = []
id = 1
while todo:
node = todo.pop()
for k in range(rank):
if node[k] == 1:
newnode = tuple(
apply_gen_to_node(small_roots, k, node, i, lex_reduced = lex_reduced)
for i in range(nroots))
if not newnode in nodes:
nodes[newnode] = id
levels[newnode] = levels[node]+1
id += 1
edges.append((nodes[node], nodes[newnode], k))
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graph = [[None for i in range(rank)] for j in range(len(nodes))]
for (fr,to,gen) in edges:
graph[fr][gen] = to
return graph
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2022-10-15 12:05:14 +00:00
def enumerate_group(graph, graph_lex, max_len):
rank = len(graph[0])
group = [Groupelement(0, rank, tuple())]
group[0].inverse = group[0]
group[0].node = group[0].lex_node = 0
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i = 0
size = 1
while True:
current = group[i]
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# break if current has the max length we have, as that's when we would start adding elements 1 longer
if current.length >= max_len:
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for gen, new_lex_node in filter(lambda x: x[1], enumerate(graph_lex[current.lex_node])):
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new_element = Groupelement(size, rank, current.word + (gen,))
new_element.lex_node = new_lex_node
new_element.node = graph[current.node][gen]
size += 1
# w = w_1 t, w s = w_1
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# right multiplication, if it decreases length
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for k in range(rank):
if not graph[new_element.node][k]:
word = list(new_element.word)
longer_suffix = group[0]
while len(word) > 0:
letter = word.pop()
shorter_suffix = longer_suffix
longer_suffix = shorter_suffix.left[letter]
# w = w_1 t w_2, w_2 s_k = t w_2
# in the case word = [] longer_suffix could be None
if len(word) == 0 or shorter_suffix.right[k] == longer_suffix:
# finish word
while len(word) > 0:
shorter_suffix = shorter_suffix.left[word.pop()]
new_element.right[k] = shorter_suffix
shorter_suffix.right[k] = new_element
# find inverse and left multiply
inverse = group[0]
word = list(new_element.word)
while len(word) > 0:
inverse = inverse.right[word.pop()]
if not inverse:
if inverse:
new_element.inverse = inverse
inverse.inverse = new_element
for k in range(rank):
if inverse.right[k]:
other = inverse.right[k].inverse
new_element.left[k] = other
other.left[k] = new_element
if new_element.right[k]:
other = new_element.right[k].inverse
inverse.left[k] = other
other.left[k] = inverse
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return group
def word(w):
return ''.join([chr(ord('a')+x) for x in w])
def generate_automaton_coxeter_matrix(coxeter_matrix, lex_reduced = False):
form = [[-math.cos(math.pi/m) if m > 0 else -1 for m in row] for row in coxeter_matrix]
rank = len(coxeter_matrix)
small_roots = find_small_roots(form)
return generate_automaton(small_roots, lex_reduced)
def even_graph(graph):
rank = len(graph[0])
result = []
for node in graph:
newnode = {}
for i in range(rank):
for j in range(rank):
if node[i] and graph[node[i]][j]:
newnode[(i,j)] = graph[node[i]][j]
return result