import Text.Printf import System.Environment import System.Process import Data.List wordlist = ["abacabacbabcbacbcacbac", "abacbabcbacbac", "abacbabcbacbcacbac", "abacbacbacbacbacbacbac", "abacbacbacbacbac", "abacbacbac", "bacabacbabcbacbcacbcac", "bacabacbabcbacbcac", "baca", "bacbabcbacbcac", "bacbacbacbacbacbacbcac", "bacbacbacbacbcac", "bacbacbcac", "bacbac"] colors = [(0.651,0.808,0.890), (0.122,0.471,0.706), (0.698,0.875,0.541), (0.200,0.627,0.173), (0.984,0.604,0.600), (0.890,0.102,0.110), (0.992,0.749,0.435), (1.000,0.498,0.000), (0.792,0.698,0.839), (0.416,0.239,0.604), (1.000,1.000,0.600), (0.694,0.349,0.157), (1.000,1.000,0.000), (0.000,1.000,1.000)] main = sequence $ zipWith (generatePicture "result_20210419_221603.out") wordlist colors generatePicture :: String -> String -> (Double,Double,Double) -> IO () generatePicture datafile word color = do file1 <- readFile datafile file2 <- readProcess "../special_element" [word] "" let values1 = map (!!4).words) (lines file1) :: [Double] let values2 = map (!!3).words) (lines file2) :: [Double] let diff = zipWith (-) values1 values2 writeFile (printf "partition_%s.pnm" word) $ drawGrayscalePicture color diff printf "Wrote partition_%s.pnm\n" word -- kind of a failed experiment -- supersample (width, height) to (factor*width - factor + 1, factor*height - factor + 1) -- supersample :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Double] -> [Double] -- supersample width height factor orig = [pix x y | x <- [0..(width-1)*factor], y <- [0..(height-1)*factor]] -- where -- pix x y = xl*yl*a + xl*yr*b + xr*yl*c + xr*yr*d -- where -- x_ = x`div`factor -- y_ = y`div`factor -- xr = fromIntegral (x`mod`factor)/fromIntegral factor :: Double -- xl = 1 - xr :: Double -- yr = fromIntegral (y`mod`factor)/fromIntegral factor :: Double -- yl = 1 - yr :: Double -- aoffset = x_*height + y_ -- boffset = x_*height + y_+1 -- coffset = (x_+1)*height + y_ -- doffset = (x_+1)*height + y_+1 -- a = orig!!aoffset -- b = if boffset < width*height then orig!!boffset else 0 -- c = if coffset < width*height then orig!!coffset else 0 -- d = if doffset < width*height then orig!!doffset else 0 -- xl*yl*a + xl*yr*b + xr*yl*c + xr*yr*d drawGrayscalePicture :: (Double,Double,Double) -> [Double] -> String drawGrayscalePicture (r,g,b) values = drawPicture 100 99 $ map color values where color x = (round (255*r*colorscale x), round (255*g*colorscale x), round (255*b*colorscale x)) drawPicture :: Int -> Int -> [(Int,Int,Int)] -> String drawPicture w h values = printf "P3\n%d %d\n255\n%s" w h pixels where pixels = concat [printf "%d %d %d\n" r g b | (r,g,b) <- values] :: String normalize x = if x < 1 then 1/x else x readDataFile :: String -> IO [(String,Double)] readDataFile filename = do f <- readFile filename return $ map process $ map words $ lines f where process (x:y:_:_:z:rest) = (x++" "++y,read z) normalize x = if x < 1 then 1/x else x colorscale :: Double -> Double colorscale x = if cs x < 0 then 1 else if cs x > 1 then 0 else 1 - cs x where cs x = 1e5*x