#include "mat.h" mat_workspace *mat_workspace_init(int n) { mat_workspace *ws = (mat_workspace*)malloc(sizeof(mat_workspace)); mat_init(ws->tmp_mat, n); INIT(ws->tmp_num); INIT(ws->tmp_num2); return ws; } void mat_workspace_clear(mat_workspace *ws) { mat_clear(ws->tmp_mat); CLEAR(ws->tmp_num); CLEAR(ws->tmp_num2); free(ws); } void mat_init(mat m, int n) { m->n = n; m->x = malloc(n*n*sizeof(NUMBER)); LOOP(i,n) LOOP(j,n) INIT(m->x[i+j*n]); } void mat_get(NUMBER out, mat m, int i, int j) { SET(out, M(m,i,j)); } void mat_set(mat m, int i, int j, NUMBER x) { SET(M(m,i,j), x); } NUMBER *mat_ref(mat m, int i, int j) { return &M(m,i,j); } void mat_zero(mat m) { LOOP(i,m->n) LOOP(j,m->n) SET_ZERO(M(m,i,j)); } void mat_identity(mat m) { LOOP(i,m->n) LOOP(j,m->n) { if(i == j) SET_ONE(M(m,i,j)); else SET_ZERO(M(m,i,j)); } } void mat_copy(mat to, mat from) { LOOP(i,from->n) LOOP(j,from->n) SET(M(to,i,j), M(from,i,j)); } void mat_clear(mat m) { LOOP(i,m->n) LOOP(j,m->n) CLEAR(M(m,i,j)); free(m->x); } int mat_same(mat m1, mat m2) { return m1 == m2; } static void mat_multiply_outofplace(mat_workspace *ws, mat out, mat in1, mat in2) { int n = out->n; NUMBER *tmp = &(ws->tmp_num); LOOP(i,n) LOOP(j,n) { SET_ZERO(M(out,i,j)); LOOP(k,n) { MULTIPLY(*tmp, M(in1,i,k), M(in2,k,j)); ADD(M(out,i,j), M(out,i,j), *tmp); } } } void mat_multiply(mat_workspace *ws, mat out, mat in1, mat in2) { if(mat_same(out, in1) || mat_same(out, in2)) { mat_multiply_outofplace(ws, ws->tmp_mat, in1, in2); mat_copy(out, ws->tmp_mat); } else { mat_multiply_outofplace(ws, out, in1, in2); } } void mat_det(mat_workspace *ws, NUMBER out, mat in) { // let's just assume n = 3 for the moment NUMBER *tmp = &(ws->tmp_num); int n = 3; SET_ZERO(out); LOOP(i,n) { MULTIPLY(*tmp, M(in,0,i), M(in,1,(i+1)%3)); MULTIPLY(*tmp, *tmp, M(in,2,(i+2)%3)); ADD(out, out, *tmp); MULTIPLY(*tmp, M(in,0,(i+2)%3), M(in,1,(i+1)%3)); MULTIPLY(*tmp, *tmp, M(in,2,i)); SUB(out, out, *tmp); } } static void mat_pseudoinverse_outofplace(mat_workspace *ws, mat out, mat in) { // let's just assume n = 3 for the moment NUMBER *tmp = &(ws->tmp_num); NUMBER *tmp2 = &(ws->tmp_num2); int n = 3; LOOP(i,n) LOOP(j,n) { MULTIPLY(*tmp, M(in,(i+1)%3,(j+1)%3), M(in,(i+2)%3,(j+2)%3)); MULTIPLY(*tmp2, M(in,(i+1)%3,(j+2)%3), M(in,(i+2)%3,(j+1)%3)); SUB(M(out,j,i), *tmp, *tmp2); } } void mat_pseudoinverse(mat_workspace *ws, mat out, mat in) { if(mat_same(out, in)) { mat_pseudoinverse_outofplace(ws, ws->tmp_mat, in); mat_copy(out, ws->tmp_mat); } else { mat_pseudoinverse_outofplace(ws, out, in); } } void mat_trace(NUMBER out, mat in) { SET_ZERO(out); ADD(out, out, M(in,0,0)); ADD(out, out, M(in,1,1)); ADD(out, out, M(in,2,2)); } void mat_print(mat in) { int n = in->n; LOOP(i,n) { LOOP(j,n) { PRINT(M(in,i,j)); fputc(j == n - 1 ? '\n' : ' ', stdout); } } }