
235 lines
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#include "coxeter.h"
#include "enumerate.h"
#include "generators.h"
#include "mat.h"
#include "qext.h"
#include <stdio.h>
2022-06-14 14:22:22 +02:00
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
2022-06-14 16:03:40 +02:00
#include <string.h>
2022-06-14 14:22:22 +02:00
#define LOOP(i,n) for(int i = 0; i < (n); i++)
2022-06-14 15:41:43 +02:00
#define SWAP(t,x,y) do { t _tmp = (x); (x) = (y); (y) = _tmp; } while (0);
2022-06-14 14:22:22 +02:00
Elements up to length 0: 1
Elements up to length 1: 4
Elements up to length 2: 10
Elements up to length 3: 22
Elements up to length 4: 46
Elements up to length 5: 91
Elements up to length 6: 175
Elements up to length 7: 334
Elements up to length 8: 634
Elements up to length 9: 1198
Elements up to length 10: 2260
Elements up to length 11: 4261
Elements up to length 12: 8029
Elements up to length 13: 15124
Elements up to length 14: 28486
Elements up to length 15: 53650
Elements up to length 16: 101038
Elements up to length 17: 190279
Elements up to length 18: 358339
Elements up to length 19: 674830
Elements up to length 20: 1270846
Elements up to length 21: 2393266
Elements up to length 22: 4507012
Elements up to length 23: 8487625
static double gaussian_sqrt5_real(NUMBER x)
double result = 0.0;
mpq_t tmp;
// a_0 + sqrt(5)a_1 + 4a_2 + 2sqrt(5)a_3
mpq_set_si(tmp, 4, 1);
mpq_mul(tmp, tmp, x->a[2]);
mpq_add(tmp, tmp, x->a[0]);
result = mpq_get_d(tmp);
mpq_set_si(tmp, 2, 1);
mpq_mul(tmp, tmp, x->a[3]);
mpq_add(tmp, tmp, x->a[1]);
result += mpq_get_d(tmp)*sqrt(5);
return result;
static double gaussian_sqrt5_imag(NUMBER x)
double result = 0.0;
mpq_t tmp;
// a_1 + 2sqrt(5)a_2 + 14a_3
mpq_set_si(tmp, 14, 1);
mpq_mul(tmp, tmp, x->a[3]);
mpq_add(tmp, tmp, x->a[1]);
result = mpq_get_d(tmp);
mpq_set_si(tmp, 2, 1);
mpq_mul(tmp, tmp, x->a[2]);
result += mpq_get_d(tmp)*sqrt(5);
return result;
2022-06-14 16:03:40 +02:00
enum mode {
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
2022-06-14 14:22:22 +02:00
char buf[100];
2022-06-14 16:03:40 +02:00
int mode;
if(argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1], "help") == 0)
mode = MODE_HELP;
else if(strcmp(argv[1], "traces") == 0)
else if(strcmp(argv[1], "summary") == 0)
else if(strcmp(argv[1], "trace_ids") == 0)
mode = MODE_HELP;
if(mode == MODE_HELP) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <help|traces|summary|trace_ids> [arguments]\n", argv[0]);
fprintf(stderr, "%s help display this page\n", argv[0]);
fprintf(stderr, "%s traces <n> <qreal> <qimag> enumerate group and output unique trace/trace inverse pairs\n", argv[0]);
fprintf(stderr, "%s summary <n> <qreal> <qimag> only output max slope etc.\n", argv[0]);
fprintf(stderr, "%s trace_ids <n> <qreal> <qimag> list of ids of unique traces\n", argv[0]);
return 0;
if(argc < 5) {
fprintf(stderr, "Not enough arguments!\n");
return 0;
int n = atoi(argv[2]);
2022-06-14 14:22:22 +02:00
mpq_t qreal, qimag;
mpq_inits(qreal, qimag, NULL);
2022-06-14 16:03:40 +02:00
mpq_set_str(qreal, argv[3], 10);
mpq_set_str(qimag, argv[4], 10);
// mpq_set_si(qreal, 50, 10);
// mpq_set_si(qimag, 1, 10);
2022-06-14 14:22:22 +02:00
int length = 0;
LOOP(i, n) {
if(group->elements[i].length > length) {
printf("Elements up to length %d: %d\n", length, i);
length = group->elements[i].length;
return 0;
LOOP(i, n) {
groupelement_t *cur = &group->elements[i];
groupelement_t *other;
cur->conjugacy_class = cur; // start with itself and reduce if possible
LOOP(j, 3) {
if(cur->left[j] && cur->left[j]->right[j]) {
other = cur->left[j]->right[j];
if(other->id < cur->id)
cur->conjugacy_class = other->conjugacy_class;
if(cur->right[j] && cur->right[j]->left[j]) {
other = cur->right[j]->left[j];
if(other->id < cur->id)
cur->conjugacy_class = other->conjugacy_class;
group_t *group = coxeter_init_triangle(5, 5, 5, n);
mat gen[3];
LOOP(i, 3) mat_init(gen[i], 3, QT_GAUSS_SQRT5);
generators_triangle_reflection_group_555_complex(gen, 2, 2, 2, qreal, qimag);
struct tracedata *traces;
int nuniq = enumerate_coxeter_group_traces(group, gen, &traces);
2022-06-14 15:41:43 +02:00
mps_context *solver = mps_context_new();
mps_monomial_poly *poly = mps_monomial_poly_new(solver, 3);
mps_context_set_output_prec(solver, 20); // relative precision
mps_context_set_output_goal(solver, MPS_OUTPUT_GOAL_APPROXIMATE);
double ev_real[3], ev_imag[3], ev_abs2[3];
double max_slope = 0;
int max_slope_id = 0;
2022-06-14 14:22:22 +02:00
LOOP(i, nuniq) {
2022-06-14 15:41:43 +02:00
solve_characteristic_polynomial_d(solver, poly,
ev_real, ev_imag);
LOOP(j, 3) ev_abs2[j] = ev_real[j]*ev_real[j] + ev_imag[j]*ev_imag[j];
if(fabs(ev_abs2[0]) < fabs(ev_abs2[1]))
SWAP(double, ev_abs2[0], ev_abs2[1]);
if(fabs(ev_abs2[1]) < fabs(ev_abs2[2]))
SWAP(double, ev_abs2[1], ev_abs2[2]);
if(fabs(ev_abs2[0]) < fabs(ev_abs2[1]))
SWAP(double, ev_abs2[0], ev_abs2[1]);
if(log(ev_abs2[0]) < 1e-3) // we regard this as a finite order element
double slope = - log(ev_abs2[0]) / log(ev_abs2[2]);
if(slope > max_slope) {
max_slope = slope;
max_slope_id = traces[i].id;
2022-06-14 16:03:40 +02:00
if(mode == MODE_TRACES) {
printf("%d %f %f %f\n",
traces[i].id, log(ev_abs2[0]), log(ev_abs2[1]), log(ev_abs2[2]));
} else if(mode == MODE_TRACE_IDS) {
printf("%d\n", traces[i].id);
2022-06-14 14:22:22 +02:00
2022-06-14 15:41:43 +02:00
coxeter_snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), &group->elements[max_slope_id]);
2022-06-14 16:03:40 +02:00
if(mode == MODE_SUMMARY) {
gmp_fprintf(stdout, "%f %f %d %d %f %s\n", mpq_get_d(qreal), mpq_get_d(qimag), n, nuniq, max_slope, buf);
} else {
gmp_fprintf(stderr, "q = %Qd + i*%Qd\tElements: %d\tTraces: %d\tMaximal slope: %f at %s\n", qreal, qimag, n, nuniq, max_slope, buf);
2022-06-14 15:41:43 +02:00
mps_monomial_poly_free(solver, MPS_POLYNOMIAL(poly));
2022-06-14 14:22:22 +02:00
enumerate_tracedata_clear(traces, nuniq);
LOOP(i, 3) mat_clear(gen[i]);
mpq_clears(qreal, qimag, NULL);
return 0;