#include "main.h" static int compareAngle(const void *x, const void *y) { return ((double*)x)[2] > ((double*)y)[2] ? 1 : -1; } void cartanMatrix(gsl_matrix *cartan, double a1, double a2, double a3, double s) { gsl_matrix_set(cartan, 0, 0, 2); gsl_matrix_set(cartan, 0, 1, -2*s*cos(a3)); gsl_matrix_set(cartan, 0, 2, -2/s*cos(a2)); gsl_matrix_set(cartan, 1, 0, -2/s*cos(a3)); gsl_matrix_set(cartan, 1, 1, 2); gsl_matrix_set(cartan, 1, 2, -2*s*cos(a1)); gsl_matrix_set(cartan, 2, 0, -2*s*cos(a2)); gsl_matrix_set(cartan, 2, 1, -2/s*cos(a1)); gsl_matrix_set(cartan, 2, 2, 2); } void initializeTriangleGenerators(gsl_matrix **gen, gsl_matrix *cartan) { LOOP(i) gsl_matrix_set_identity(gen[i]); LOOP(i) LOOP(j) *gsl_matrix_ptr(gen[i], j, j) = -1.0; LOOP(i) LOOP(j) *gsl_matrix_ptr(gen[i], i, j) += gsl_matrix_get(cartan, i, j); } int computeLimitCurve(DrawingContext *ctx) { workspace_t *ws = ctx->ws; gsl_matrix *cartan_pos = getTempMatrix(ctx->ws); gsl_matrix *cob_pos = getTempMatrix(ctx->ws); gsl_matrix *coxeter_pos = getTempMatrix(ctx->ws); gsl_matrix *coxeter_fixedpoints_pos = getTempMatrix(ctx->ws); gsl_matrix *fixedpoints_pos = getTempMatrix(ctx->ws); gsl_matrix *coxeter = getTempMatrix(ctx->ws); gsl_matrix *coxeter_fixedpoints = getTempMatrix(ctx->ws); gsl_matrix *fixedpoints = getTempMatrix(ctx->ws); gsl_matrix **gen = getTempMatrices(ctx->ws, 3); gsl_matrix **elements = getTempMatrices(ctx->ws, ctx->n_group_elements); groupelement_t *group = ctx->group; int success = 0; int column = ctx->use_repelling ? 2 : 0; double x,y; // int column = 1; ctx->limit_curve_count = -1; // do first in the Fuchsian positive case to get the angles cartanMatrix(cartan_pos, M_PI/ctx->p[0], M_PI/ctx->p[1], M_PI/ctx->p[2], 1.0); initializeTriangleGenerators(gen, cartan_pos); gsl_matrix_set_identity(elements[0]); for(int i = 1; i < ctx->n_group_elements; i++) multiply(gen[group[i].letter], elements[group[i].parent->id], elements[i]); diagonalize_symmetric_form(cartan_pos, cob_pos, ws); multiply_many(ws, coxeter_pos, 3, gen[0], gen[1], gen[2]); int ev_count_pos = real_eigenvectors(coxeter_pos, coxeter_fixedpoints_pos, ws); if(ev_count_pos != 3) goto error_out; for(int i = 0; i < ctx->n_group_elements; i++) { multiply_many(ws, fixedpoints_pos, 3, cob_pos, elements[i], coxeter_fixedpoints_pos); ctx->limit_curve[3*i+2] = atan2( gsl_matrix_get(fixedpoints_pos, 2, column)/gsl_matrix_get(fixedpoints_pos, 0, column), gsl_matrix_get(fixedpoints_pos, 1, column)/gsl_matrix_get(fixedpoints_pos, 0, column)); } // now do it again to calculate x and y coordinates initializeTriangleGenerators(gen, ctx->cartan); gsl_matrix_set_identity(elements[0]); for(int i = 1; i < ctx->n_group_elements; i++) multiply(gen[group[i].letter], elements[group[i].parent->id], elements[i]); multiply_many(ws, coxeter, 3, gen[0], gen[1], gen[2]); int ev_count = real_eigenvectors(coxeter, coxeter_fixedpoints, ws); if(ev_count == 1) column = 0; if(ev_count == 0) goto error_out; for(int i = 0; i < ctx->n_group_elements; i++) { multiply_many(ws, fixedpoints, 3, ctx->cob, elements[i], coxeter_fixedpoints); x = ctx->limit_curve[3*i ] = gsl_matrix_get(fixedpoints, 0, column)/gsl_matrix_get(fixedpoints, 2, column); y = ctx->limit_curve[3*i+1] = gsl_matrix_get(fixedpoints, 1, column)/gsl_matrix_get(fixedpoints, 2, column); if((x - ctx->marking.x)*(x - ctx->marking.x) + (y - ctx->marking.y)*(y - ctx->marking.y) < 25e-10) { printf("limit point %d is close: length %d, ", i, group[i].length); for(groupelement_t *cur = &group[i]; cur->parent; cur = cur->parent) fputc('a' + cur->letter, stdout); // bcbcbca, bacbcacab, bc bca cb fputc('\n',stdout); } // bca abc acb = abc } qsort(ctx->limit_curve, ctx->n_group_elements, 3*sizeof(double), compareAngle); ctx->limit_curve_count = ctx->n_group_elements; success = 1; error_out: releaseTempMatrices(ctx->ws, 11+ctx->n_group_elements); return success; }