just used the program a bit
This commit is contained in:
@ -65,6 +65,30 @@ int fixedPoints(DrawingContext *ctx, const char *word, vector_t *out)
return count;
int wordEigenvalues(DrawingContext *ctx, const char *word, double *out)
gsl_matrix *tmp = getTempMatrix(ctx->ws);
gsl_vector *ev = getTempVector(ctx->ws);
gsl_matrix **gen = getTempMatrices(ctx->ws, 3);
initializeTriangleGenerators(gen, ctx->cartan);
for(int i = 0; i < strlen(word); i++) {
if(word[i] == ' ')
multiply_right(tmp, gen[word[i]-'a'], ctx->ws);
int count = real_eigenvalues(tmp, ev, ctx->ws);
LOOP(i) out[i] = gsl_vector_get(ev, i);
releaseTempMatrices(ctx->ws, 4);
releaseTempVectors(ctx->ws, 1);
return count;
// level 1: the elementary drawing functions, drawPoint, drawSegment2d
void drawPoint(DrawingContext *ctx, point_t p)
@ -98,7 +122,7 @@ void drawSegment2d(DrawingContext *ctx, point_t a, point_t b)
// level 2: drawVector, drawCovector, drawSegment
static point_t vectorToPoint(DrawingContext *ctx, vector_t in)
point_t vectorToPoint(DrawingContext *ctx, vector_t in)
double x[3];
point_t out;
@ -155,6 +179,53 @@ void drawSegment(DrawingContext *ctx, vector_t a, vector_t b)
drawSegment2d(ctx, vectorToPoint(ctx, a), vectorToPoint(ctx, b));
void drawSegmentWith(DrawingContext *ctx, vector_t a, vector_t b, vector_t line, int contains)
point_t a_ = vectorToPoint(ctx,a);
point_t b_ = vectorToPoint(ctx,b);
double x[3];
double cofactor;
double r, tline, tminus, tplus;
double coeff0, coeff1, coeff2;
point_t m, xminus, xplus;
// multiply line with inverse of cob to get it as implicit line x in chart
LOOP(i) x[i] = 0.0;
LOOP(i) LOOP(j) {
cofactor = gsl_matrix_get(ctx->cob, (i+1)%3, (j+1)%3) * gsl_matrix_get(ctx->cob, (i+2)%3, (j+2)%3)
- gsl_matrix_get(ctx->cob, (i+1)%3, (j+2)%3) * gsl_matrix_get(ctx->cob, (i+2)%3, (j+1)%3);
x[i] += cofactor * line.x[j];
// t = parameter on segment of intersection with line, s(t) = a + (b-a)*t
tline = (a_.x*x[0] + a_.y*x[1] + x[2])/((b_.x - a_.x)*x[0] + (b_.y - a_.y)*x[1]);
if((tline < 0 || tline > 1) != contains) {
drawSegment2d(ctx, a_, b_);
} else { // need to draw complementary semgent
// find t so that s(t) is at radius r from center, |s(t)-m| = r
m.x = ctx->dim->center_x;
m.y = ctx->dim->center_y;
r = ctx->dim->radius;
// equation is coeff2 t^2 + 2 coeff1 t + coeff0 = 0
coeff0 = (a_.x - m.x)*(a_.x - m.x) + (a_.y - m.y)*(a_.y - m.y) - r*r;
coeff1 = (a_.x - m.x)*(b_.x - a_.x) + (a_.y - m.y)*(b_.y - a_.y);
coeff2 = (b_.x - a_.x)*(b_.x - a_.x) + (b_.y - a_.y)*(b_.y - a_.y);
if(coeff1*coeff1 - coeff0*coeff2 <= 0)
tplus = (- coeff1 + sqrt(coeff1*coeff1 - coeff0*coeff2))/coeff2;
tminus = (- coeff1 - sqrt(coeff1*coeff1 - coeff0*coeff2))/coeff2;
xplus.x = a_.x + tplus * (b_.x - a_.x);
xplus.y = a_.y + tplus * (b_.y - a_.y);
xminus.x = a_.x + tminus * (b_.x - a_.x);
xminus.y = a_.y + tminus * (b_.y - a_.y);
if(tplus > 1)
drawSegment2d(ctx, b_, xplus);
if(tminus < 0)
drawSegment2d(ctx, a_, xminus);
// level 3: boxes and polygons
void drawPolygon(DrawingContext *ctx, int segments, int sides, ...)
@ -244,19 +315,18 @@ void drawBoxStd(DrawingContext *ctx, const char *word, char base)
drawBox(ctx, word1, word2);
void drawRotationOrbit(DrawingContext *ctx, const char *word, vector_t start)
void drawRotationOrbitFrame(DrawingContext *ctx, gsl_matrix *frame, vector_t start)
vector_t v[3], w;
point_t p;
double parameter, startangle;
int iterations = 200;
gsl_matrix *frame = getTempMatrix(ctx->ws);
gsl_matrix *inverse = getTempMatrix(ctx->ws);
gsl_vector *start_v = getTempVector(ctx->ws);
gsl_vector *start_in_frame = getTempVector(ctx->ws);
cairo_t *C = ctx->cairo;
computeRotationMatrix(ctx, frame, word);
// computeRotationMatrix(ctx, frame, word);
LOOP(i) LOOP(j) v[i].x[j] = gsl_matrix_get(frame, j, i);
LOOP(i) gsl_vector_set(start_v, i, start.x[i]);
@ -284,10 +354,20 @@ void drawRotationOrbit(DrawingContext *ctx, const char *word, vector_t start)
releaseTempMatrices(ctx->ws, 2);
releaseTempMatrices(ctx->ws, 1);
releaseTempVectors(ctx->ws, 2);
void drawRotationOrbit(DrawingContext *ctx, const char *word, vector_t start)
gsl_matrix *frame = getTempMatrix(ctx->ws);
computeRotationMatrix(ctx, frame, word);
drawRotationOrbitFrame(ctx, frame, start);
releaseTempMatrices(ctx->ws, 1);
void drawDualRotationOrbit(DrawingContext *ctx, const char *word, vector_t start)
vector_t v[3], w;
@ -333,10 +413,10 @@ void drawDualRotationOrbit(DrawingContext *ctx, const char *word, vector_t start
releaseTempVectors(ctx->ws, 2);
void drawArc(DrawingContext *ctx, const char *word, vector_t start, vector_type_t starttype, vector_t end, vector_type_t endtype, vector_t third, int contain)
void drawArcWithOutput(DrawingContext *ctx, const char *word, vector_t start, vector_type_t starttype, vector_t end, vector_type_t endtype, vector_t third, int contain, vector_t *start_vector_out, vector_t *end_vector_out, int dontdraw)
vector_t v[3], w;
point_t p;
vector_t v[3], w, w_;
point_t p, p_;
double radius, angle_start, angle_end, angle_third, angle, angle_end_delta, sign, angle_start_final, angle_end_final, angle_end_other;
int iterations = 200;
gsl_matrix *frame = getTempMatrix(ctx->ws);
@ -418,29 +498,54 @@ void drawArc(DrawingContext *ctx, const char *word, vector_t start, vector_type_
for(int k = 0; k <= iterations; k++) {
angle = angle_start_final + (double)k/(double)iterations * ANGLE_DIFF(angle_end_final, angle_start_final);
// output the start end end point
LOOP(i) w.x[i] = v[2].x[i] / radius + cos(angle_start_final) * v[0].x[i] + sin(angle_start_final) * v[1].x[i];
p = vectorToPoint(ctx, w);
LOOP(i) w.x[i] = v[2].x[i] / radius + cos(angle_end_final) * v[0].x[i] + sin(angle_end_final) * v[1].x[i];
p_ = vectorToPoint(ctx, w);
printf("\\draw (%f,%f) -- (%f,%f);\n", p.x, p.y, p_.x, p_.y);
LOOP(i) w.x[i] = v[2].x[i] / radius + cos(angle) * v[0].x[i] + sin(angle) * v[1].x[i];
p = vectorToPoint(ctx, w);
if(!dontdraw) {
for(int k = 0; k <= iterations; k++) {
angle = angle_start_final + (double)k/(double)iterations * ANGLE_DIFF(angle_end_final, angle_start_final);
if(isInsideBB(ctx, p)) {
cairo_move_to(C, p.x, p.y);
cairo_line_to(C, p.x, p.y);
previous_inside = 1;
} else {
previous_inside = 0;
LOOP(i) w.x[i] = v[2].x[i] / radius + cos(angle) * v[0].x[i] + sin(angle) * v[1].x[i];
p = vectorToPoint(ctx, w);
if(isInsideBB(ctx, p)) {
cairo_move_to(C, p.x, p.y);
cairo_line_to(C, p.x, p.y);
previous_inside = 1;
} else {
previous_inside = 0;
LOOP(i) start_vector_out->x[i] = v[2].x[i] / radius +
cos(angle_start_final) * v[0].x[i] +
sin(angle_start_final) * v[1].x[i];
LOOP(i) end_vector_out->x[i] = v[2].x[i] / radius +
cos(angle_end_final) * v[0].x[i] +
sin(angle_end_final) * v[1].x[i];
releaseTempMatrices(ctx->ws, 2);
releaseTempVectors(ctx->ws, 2);
void drawArc(DrawingContext *ctx, const char *word, vector_t start, vector_type_t starttype, vector_t end, vector_type_t endtype, vector_t third, int contain)
drawArcWithOutput(ctx, word, start, starttype, end, endtype, third, contain, 0, 0, 0);
// level 4: draw the actual image components
void drawReflectors(DrawingContext *ctx)
@ -506,10 +611,12 @@ char *conjugate_word(const char *word, int modifier, const char *conj, char *buf
return buffer;
void drawCurvedBox(DrawingContext *ctx, int base, const char *conj)
void drawCurvedBox(DrawingContext *ctx, int base, const char *conj, int style)
vector_t p[6][3];
vector_t p[10][3];
vector_t l[2][3];
vector_t corner1, corner2;
vector_t tmp1, tmp2;
char word[100];
int modifier = base - 'A';
@ -525,21 +632,64 @@ void drawCurvedBox(DrawingContext *ctx, int base, const char *conj)
fixedPoints(ctx, word, p[4]);
conjugate_word("abaca cab acaba", modifier, conj, word);
fixedPoints(ctx, word, p[5]);
conjugate_word("bca cab acb", modifier, conj, word);
fixedPoints(ctx, word, p[6]);
conjugate_word("abca cab acba", modifier, conj, word);
fixedPoints(ctx, word, p[7]);
conjugate_word("abacababa", modifier, conj, word);
fixedPoints(ctx, word, p[8]);
conjugate_word("bacabab", modifier, conj, word);
fixedPoints(ctx, word, p[9]);
// conjugate_word("bca b abc b acb", modifier, conj, word);
// fixedPoints(ctx, word, p[6]);
// conjugate_word("bca baca cab acab acb", modifier, conj, word);
// fixedPoints(ctx, word, p[7]);
LOOP(j) l[0][j] = cross(p[0][(3-j)%3], p[0][(4-j)%3]);
LOOP(j) l[1][j] = cross(p[1][(3-j)%3], p[1][(4-j)%3]);
// main conic
conjugate_word("ab", modifier, conj, word);
drawArc(ctx, word, p[0][0], VT_POINT, p[2][0], VT_POINT, p[1][0], 0);
conjugate_word("bcab", modifier, conj, word);
drawArc(ctx, word, p[2][0], VT_POINT, l[1][0], VT_LINE, p[4][0], 1);
conjugate_word("ab", modifier, conj, word);
drawArc(ctx, word, p[1][0], VT_POINT, p[3][0], VT_POINT, p[0][0], 0);
conjugate_word("abcaba", modifier, conj, word);
drawArc(ctx, word, p[3][0], VT_POINT, l[0][0], VT_LINE, p[5][0], 1);
drawArcWithOutput(ctx, word, p[0][0], VT_POINT, p[2][0], VT_POINT, p[1][0], 0, &tmp1, &tmp2, style != 1);
if(style == 2)
drawSegment(ctx, tmp1, tmp2);
if(style == 3) {
drawVector(ctx, tmp1);
drawVector(ctx, tmp2);
drawCovector(ctx, l[0][0]);
drawCovector(ctx, l[1][0]);
conjugate_word("ab", modifier, conj, word);
drawArcWithOutput(ctx, word, p[1][0], VT_POINT, p[3][0], VT_POINT, p[0][0], 0, &tmp1, &tmp2, style != 1);
if(style == 2)
drawSegment(ctx, tmp1, tmp2);
if(style == 3) {
drawVector(ctx, tmp1);
drawVector(ctx, tmp2);
conjugate_word("bcabcb", modifier, conj, word);
drawArcWithOutput(ctx, word, p[2][0], VT_POINT, l[1][0], VT_LINE, p[6][0], 1, &tmp1, &tmp2, style != 1); // only 1st cutoff
if(style == 2)
drawSegment(ctx, tmp1, tmp2);
corner1 = tmp2;
conjugate_word("abcabcba", modifier, conj, word);
drawArcWithOutput(ctx, word, p[3][0], VT_POINT, l[0][0], VT_LINE, p[7][0], 1, &tmp1, &tmp2, style != 1); // only 1st cutoff
if(style == 2)
drawSegment(ctx, tmp1, tmp2);
corner2 = tmp2;
if(style == 1 || style == 2) {
drawSegmentWith(ctx, p[0][0], corner2, l[1][1], 0);
drawSegmentWith(ctx, p[1][0], corner1, l[0][1], 0);
} else if(style == 3)
drawVector(ctx, corner1);
drawVector(ctx, corner2);
@ -547,18 +697,119 @@ void drawBoxes(DrawingContext *ctx)
gsl_matrix *rot = getTempMatrix(ctx->ws);
gsl_matrix **gen = getTempMatrices(ctx->ws, 3);
gsl_matrix *frame = getTempMatrix(ctx->ws);
cairo_t *C = ctx->cairo;
vector_t p[22][3];
vector_t l[22][3];
vector_t alpha[6];
vector_t ptmp[3];
char word[100], word2[100];
fixedPoints(ctx, "abc", p[0]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "bca", p[1]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "cab", p[2]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "bacabab", p[3]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "bcacabacb", p[4]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "abc", p[3]);
cairo_set_line_width(C, 2.0/ctx->dim->scalefactor);
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6);
drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "ab", p[0][0]);
drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "bc", p[0][0]);
drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "ca", p[0][0]);
if(ctx->mode >= 2) {
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0.6, 0.6, 1);
drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "bcabcb", p[1][0]); // bcC
drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "abcabcba", p[0][0]); // abcC
drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "bcabcabacb", p[1][0]); // bcabC''
drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "bacabcacab", p[3][0]); // bacaC'
drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "bcacabcacacb", p[4][0]); // bcacaC' bcacabacb
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 1, 0, 1);
// drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "bacabcacab", p[3][0]); // ababcba
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0, 0, 0);
fixedPoints(ctx, "abababcbaba", p[3]);
// drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "abababcabcbababa", p[3][0]); // bab abc bab
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0, 0, 1);
// fixedPoints(ctx, "cab", p[3]);
// drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "cabc", p[3][0]);
// fixedPoints(ctx, "bca", p[3]);
// drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "bcabcb", p[3][0]);
// fixedPoints(ctx, "bc abc cb", p[3]);
// drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "bcabcb", p[3][0]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "bc bca cb", p[3]);
// drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "bcbcacbc", p[3][0]);
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0, 0, 0);
for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
conjugate_word(word, 0, "ab", word2);
strncpy(word, word2, 100);
fixedPoints(ctx, word, ptmp);
drawVector(ctx, ptmp[0]);
// drawVector(ctx, ptmp[2]);
for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
conjugate_word(word, 0, "ab", word2);
strncpy(word, word2, 100);
fixedPoints(ctx, word, ptmp);
drawVector(ctx, ptmp[0]);
// drawVector(ctx, ptmp[2]);
for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
conjugate_word(word, 0, "bc", word2);
strncpy(word, word2, 100);
fixedPoints(ctx, word, ptmp);
drawVector(ctx, ptmp[0]);
for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
conjugate_word(word, 0, "bc", word2);
strncpy(word, word2, 100);
fixedPoints(ctx, word, ptmp);
drawVector(ctx, ptmp[0]);
for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
conjugate_word(word, 0, "ca", word2);
strncpy(word, word2, 100);
fixedPoints(ctx, word, ptmp);
drawVector(ctx, ptmp[0]);
for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
conjugate_word(word, 0, "ca", word2);
strncpy(word, word2, 100);
fixedPoints(ctx, word, ptmp);
drawVector(ctx, ptmp[0]);
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 1, 0, 0);
drawVector(ctx, p[0][0]);
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0, 0.6, 0);
drawVector(ctx, p[1][0]);
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0, 0, 1);
drawVector(ctx, p[2][0]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "ab abc ba", p[4]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "abab abc baba", p[5]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "ababab abc bababa", p[6]);
@ -567,7 +818,6 @@ void drawBoxes(DrawingContext *ctx)
fixedPoints(ctx, "bababa abc ababab", p[9]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "baba abc abab", p[10]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "ba abc ab", p[11]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "bca", p[12]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "b abc b", p[13]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "bab abc bab", p[14]);
@ -577,43 +827,50 @@ void drawBoxes(DrawingContext *ctx)
fixedPoints(ctx, "ababab bca bababa", p[18]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "abab bca baba", p[19]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "ab bca ba", p[20]);
// initializeTriangleGenerators(gen, ctx->cartan);
initializeTriangleGenerators(gen, ctx->cartan);
for(int i = 0; i < 22; i++) LOOP(j) l[i][j] = cross(p[i][(3-j)%3], p[i][(4-j)%3]);
// for(int i = 0; i < 22; i++) LOOP(j) l[i][j] = cross(p[i][(3-j)%3], p[i][(4-j)%3]);
// LOOP(i) LOOP(j) alpha[i].x[j] = gsl_matrix_get(ctx->cartan, i, j);
cairo_set_line_width(C, 2.0/ctx->dim->scalefactor);
gsl_matrix_set(frame, 0, 0, 2.0);
gsl_matrix_set(frame, 0, 1, 0.0);
gsl_matrix_set(frame, 0, 2, 1.0);
gsl_matrix_set(frame, 1, 0, -1.0);
gsl_matrix_set(frame, 1, 1, sqrt(3));
gsl_matrix_set(frame, 1, 2, 1.0);
gsl_matrix_set(frame, 2, 0, -1.0);
gsl_matrix_set(frame, 2, 1, -sqrt(3));
gsl_matrix_set(frame, 2, 2, 1.0);*/
// drawRotationOrbitFrame(ctx, frame, p[0][0]);
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0, 0, 0);
drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "ab", p[0][0]);
// drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "bc", p[0][0]);
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0.5, 0.5, 1);
// drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "ca", p[0][0]);
for(int i = 0; i < 18; i++) {
if(i == 0)
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 1, 0, 0);
else if(i == 8 || i == 10)
else if(i == 8)
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0, 0, 1);
else if(i == 9)
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0, 0.6, 0);
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0, 0, 0);
drawVector(ctx, p[3+i][0]);
drawCovector(ctx, l[3+i][0]);
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0, 0, 1.0);
// drawCovector(ctx, l[3+i][0]);
// drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "ab", cross(l[0][0], l[2][1]));
// drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "abca", p[0][0]);
releaseTempMatrices(ctx->ws, 4);
releaseTempMatrices(ctx->ws, 5);
void drawBoxes2(DrawingContext *ctx)
@ -624,6 +881,216 @@ void drawBoxes2(DrawingContext *ctx)
initializeTriangleGenerators(gen, ctx->cartan);
vector_t p[4][3];
fixedPoints(ctx, "abc", p[0]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "bca", p[1]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "cab", p[2]);
cairo_set_line_width(C, 2.5/ctx->dim->scalefactor);
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0, 1, 1);
fixedPoints(ctx, "abc", p[0]);
drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "bc", p[0][0]); // (r^{-1}a)^2 C / cbr
fixedPoints(ctx, "bca", p[0]);
drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "abca", p[0][0]); // (r^{-1}a)^2 C / cbr
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 1, 1, 0);
fixedPoints(ctx, "abc", p[0]);
drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "cbcabc", p[0][0]); // (r^{-1}a)^4 C / cbac r-
fixedPoints(ctx, "bca", p[0]);
drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "acbcabca", p[0][0]); // (r^{-1}a)^4 C / cbac r-
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 1, 0, 1);
fixedPoints(ctx, "abc", p[0]);
drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "cbacabcabc", p[0][0]); // (r^{-1}a)^6 C / cbacba
fixedPoints(ctx, "bca", p[0]);
drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "acbacabcabca", p[0][0]); // (r^{-1}a)^6 C / cbacba
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 1, 0, 0);
fixedPoints(ctx, "bca", p[3]);
drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "bcabcb", p[3][0]); // cb c a bc
fixedPoints(ctx, "abc", p[3]);
drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "abcabcba", p[3][0]); // cb c a bc
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0, 1, 0);
fixedPoints(ctx, "ababcba", p[3]);
drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "ababcababa", p[3][0]); // cb c a bc
fixedPoints(ctx, "abc", p[3]);
drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "abcabcabacba", p[3][0]); // cb c a bc
// drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "bc", p[3][0]);
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0, 0, 0);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "", 2);
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0, 0, 1);
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'C', "ab", 2);
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0, 0.8, 0.5);
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'C', "ab", 2);
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "bca", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "ba", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "bca", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "abca", 2);
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'C', "abab", 2);
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'C', "ababab", 2);
if(ctx->mode >= 4) {
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'C', "b", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'C', "bab", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'C', "babab", 2);
if(ctx->mode >= 5) {
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0.8, 0, 0.5);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "abca", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "abcaca", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "aba", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "abaca", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "ababca", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "ababcaca", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "ababa", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "ababaca", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "abababca", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "abababcaca", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "abababa", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "abababaca", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "bca", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "bcaca", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "ba", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "baca", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "babca", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "babcaca", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "baba", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "babaca", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "bababca", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "bababcaca", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "bababa", 2);
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "bababaca", 2);
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "abab", 2);
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "ababab", 2);
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'C', "b", 1);
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'C', "ababab");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'C', "abababab");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'C', "b");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'C', "bab");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'C', "babab");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'C', "abababab");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'C', "ababababab");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'C', "abababababab");
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0, 0, 1);
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "abca", 1);
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "aba", 1);
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "bca", 1);
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "ba", 1);
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "abaca");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "abcaca");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "abaca");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "aba");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "ababca");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "ababa");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "abababca");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "abababa");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "bca");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "ba");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "babca");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "baba");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "bababca");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "bababa");
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 1, 0, 1);
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "abcac");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "bcac");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "abcacbc");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "abcac");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "abcacbc");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "ababc");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "ababcbc");
/* drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "abcac");
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "ababc");
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "abac");
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "ababcabc");
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "ababcac");
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "abababc");
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "ababac");
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "abababcabc");
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "abababcac");
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "ababababc");
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "abababac");
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "bcabc");
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "bcac");
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "babc");
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "bac");
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "babcabc");
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "babcac");
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "bababc");
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "babac");
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "bababcabc");
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "bababcac");
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "babababc");
drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "bababac");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "ababc");
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 1, 0.5, 0);
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'C', "abcabcab");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "bca");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "abcacaca");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "abaca");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "aba");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "aba");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "abcaca");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "aba");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "abaca");
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0, 0, 1);
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "abcabc");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "abcabcbc");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "abcacbc");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "abcac");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "bcabc");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "bcabcbc");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "bcacbc");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "bcac");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "abcac");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "abcac");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'A', "abcacbc");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "abacaca");
// drawCurvedBox(ctx, 'B', "abacacaca");
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0, 1, 1);
fixedPoints(ctx, "ababcba", p[0]);
// drawRotationOrbit(ctx, "abcaba", p[0][0]);
int p = 9;
vector_t fp[3][3],neutral_line[3],reflection_line[p],star[2*p],outer[2];
@ -680,6 +1147,7 @@ void drawBoxes2(DrawingContext *ctx)
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0, 0, 0);
drawCovector(ctx, rotation_line);
// for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
// drawCovector(ctx, reflection_line[j]);
@ -773,12 +1241,12 @@ void drawDualLimitCurve(DrawingContext *ctx)
cairo_t *C = ctx->cairo;
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0, 0, 0);
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0.5, 0.5, 1);
int n = 18;
vector_t p[n][3];
vector_t l[n][3];
vector_t ptmp[3], ltmp[3];
fixedPoints(ctx, "abc", p[0]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "ab abc ba", p[1]);
@ -800,8 +1268,7 @@ void drawDualLimitCurve(DrawingContext *ctx)
fixedPoints(ctx, "baba bca abab", p[16]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "ba bca ab", p[17]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "abc", p[0]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "ac abc ca", p[1]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "acac abc caca", p[2]);
@ -821,7 +1288,7 @@ void drawDualLimitCurve(DrawingContext *ctx)
fixedPoints(ctx, "cacaca bca acacac", p[15]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "caca bca acac", p[16]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "ca bca ac", p[17]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "cab", p[2]);
@ -830,25 +1297,43 @@ void drawDualLimitCurve(DrawingContext *ctx)
fixedPoints(ctx, "a cab a", p[5]);
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
LOOP(j) l[i][j] = cross(p[i][(3-j)%3], p[i][(4-j)%3]);
drawCovector(ctx, l[i][0]);
drawCovector(ctx, l[i][2]);
// drawCovector(ctx, l[i][2]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "abc", ptmp);
drawCovector(ctx, cross(ptmp[0], ptmp[1]));
fixedPoints(ctx, "bca", ptmp);
drawCovector(ctx, cross(ptmp[0], ptmp[1]));
fixedPoints(ctx, "cab", ptmp);
drawCovector(ctx, cross(ptmp[0], ptmp[1]));
fixedPoints(ctx, "babcb", ptmp);
drawCovector(ctx, cross(ptmp[0], ptmp[1]));
fixedPoints(ctx, "cbcac", ptmp);
drawCovector(ctx, cross(ptmp[0], ptmp[1]));
fixedPoints(ctx, "acaba", ptmp);
drawCovector(ctx, cross(ptmp[0], ptmp[1]));
void drawLimitCurve(DrawingContext *ctx)
int close_points = 0;
cairo_t *C = ctx->cairo;
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6);
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0, 0, 0);
if(ctx->limit_with_lines) {
int previous_inside = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < ctx->limit_curve_count; i++) {
point_t p;
p.x = ctx->limit_curve[3*i];
@ -873,7 +1358,7 @@ void drawLimitCurve(DrawingContext *ctx)
p.y = ctx->limit_curve[3*i+1];
if(isInsideBB(ctx, p)) {
cairo_arc(C, p.x, p.y, 0.5/ctx->dim->scalefactor, 0, 2*M_PI);
cairo_arc(C, p.x, p.y, 2.0/ctx->dim->scalefactor, 0, 2*M_PI);
@ -883,12 +1368,81 @@ void drawLimitCurve(DrawingContext *ctx)
void drawCoxeterOrbit(DrawingContext *ctx)
gsl_matrix *rot = getTempMatrix(ctx->ws);
gsl_matrix **gen = getTempMatrices(ctx->ws, 3);
gsl_vector *eval = getTempVector(ctx->ws);
gsl_matrix *coxeter_fixedpoints = getTempMatrix(ctx->ws);
gsl_vector *startpoint_coxeterbasis = getTempVector(ctx->ws);
gsl_vector *startpoint_globalbasis = getTempVector(ctx->ws);
gsl_vector *startpoint_drawbasis = getTempVector(ctx->ws);
cairo_t *C = ctx->cairo;
vector_t cox[3][3];
vector_t abcb[3];
double ev[3];
vector_t v, start;
point_t p;
int first = 1;
initializeTriangleGenerators(gen, ctx->cartan);
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 1, 0, 1);
fixedPoints(ctx, "abc", cox[0]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "bca", cox[1]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "cab", cox[2]);
// fixedPoints(ctx, "babc", abcb);
wordEigenvalues(ctx, "abc", ev);
LOOP(i) LOOP(j) gsl_matrix_set(coxeter_fixedpoints, j, i, cox[0][i].x[j]);
//printf("coxeter eigenvalues: %f %f %f\n", ev[0], ev[1], ev[2]);
// LOOP(i) gsl_vector_set(startpoint_globalbasis, i, cox[1][0].x[i]);
gsl_vector_set(startpoint_drawbasis, 0, ctx->marking.x);
gsl_vector_set(startpoint_drawbasis, 1, ctx->marking.y);
gsl_vector_set(startpoint_drawbasis, 2, 1);
solve(ctx->cob, startpoint_drawbasis, startpoint_globalbasis, ctx->ws);
solve(coxeter_fixedpoints, startpoint_globalbasis, startpoint_coxeterbasis, ctx->ws);
LOOP(i) start.x[i] = gsl_vector_get(startpoint_coxeterbasis, i);
for(int t = -1000; t < 1000; t++) {
LOOP(i) v.x[i] = 0;
LOOP(i) LOOP(j) v.x[j] += pow(fabs(ev[i]),t*0.01)*start.x[i]*cox[0][i].x[j];
p = vectorToPoint(ctx, v);
if(first) {
cairo_move_to(C, p.x, p.y);
first = 0;
} else {
cairo_line_to(C, p.x, p.y);
for(int t = -20; t < 20; t++) {
LOOP(i) v.x[i] = 0;
LOOP(i) LOOP(j) v.x[j] += (ev[i]<0&&t%2?-1:1)*pow(fabs(ev[i]),t/3.0)*start.x[i]*cox[0][i].x[j];
drawVector(ctx, v);
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 0, 0, 0);
LOOP(i) drawVector(ctx, abcb[i]);
releaseTempMatrices(ctx->ws, 5);
releaseTempVectors(ctx->ws, 4);
void drawText(DrawingContext *ctx)
cairo_move_to(ctx->cairo, 15, 30);
cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx->cairo, 0, 0, 0);
char buf[100];
sprintf(buf, "t = exp(%.8f) = %.8f", log(ctx->parameter), ctx->parameter);
sprintf(buf, "t = exp(%.8f) = %.8f, marking = (%.5f, %.5f)", log(ctx->parameter), ctx->parameter, ctx->marking.x, ctx->marking.y);
cairo_show_text(ctx->cairo, buf);
@ -931,6 +1485,14 @@ void draw(DrawingContext *ctx)
cairo_set_source_rgb(C, 1, 0, 1);
drawPoint(ctx, ctx->marking);
cairo_identity_matrix(C); // text is in screen coordinates
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ int computeLimitCurve(DrawingContext *ctx)
int success = 0;
int column = ctx->use_repelling ? 2 : 0;
double x,y;
// int column = 1;
ctx->limit_curve_count = -1;
@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ int computeLimitCurve(DrawingContext *ctx)
initializeTriangleGenerators(gen, cartan_pos);
for(int i = 1; i < ctx->n_group_elements; i++)
multiply(elements[group[i].parent->id], gen[group[i].letter], elements[i]);
multiply(gen[group[i].letter], elements[group[i].parent->id], elements[i]);
diagonalize_symmetric_form(cartan_pos, cob_pos, ws);
multiply_many(ws, coxeter_pos, 3, gen[0], gen[1], gen[2]);
int ev_count_pos = real_eigenvectors(coxeter_pos, coxeter_fixedpoints_pos, ws);
@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ int computeLimitCurve(DrawingContext *ctx)
initializeTriangleGenerators(gen, ctx->cartan);
for(int i = 1; i < ctx->n_group_elements; i++)
multiply(elements[group[i].parent->id], gen[group[i].letter], elements[i]);
multiply(gen[group[i].letter], elements[group[i].parent->id], elements[i]);
multiply_many(ws, coxeter, 3, gen[0], gen[1], gen[2]);
int ev_count = real_eigenvectors(coxeter, coxeter_fixedpoints, ws);
@ -84,8 +85,19 @@ int computeLimitCurve(DrawingContext *ctx)
for(int i = 0; i < ctx->n_group_elements; i++) {
multiply_many(ws, fixedpoints, 3, ctx->cob, elements[i], coxeter_fixedpoints);
ctx->limit_curve[3*i ] = gsl_matrix_get(fixedpoints, 0, column)/gsl_matrix_get(fixedpoints, 2, column);
ctx->limit_curve[3*i+1] = gsl_matrix_get(fixedpoints, 1, column)/gsl_matrix_get(fixedpoints, 2, column);
x = ctx->limit_curve[3*i ] = gsl_matrix_get(fixedpoints, 0, column)/gsl_matrix_get(fixedpoints, 2, column);
y = ctx->limit_curve[3*i+1] = gsl_matrix_get(fixedpoints, 1, column)/gsl_matrix_get(fixedpoints, 2, column);
if((x - ctx->marking.x)*(x - ctx->marking.x) + (y - ctx->marking.y)*(y - ctx->marking.y) < 25e-10)
printf("limit point %d is close: length %d, ", i, group[i].length);
for(groupelement_t *cur = &group[i]; cur->parent; cur = cur->parent)
fputc('a' + cur->letter, stdout); // bcbcbca, bacbcacab, bc bca cb
// bca abc acb = abc
qsort(ctx->limit_curve, ctx->n_group_elements, 3*sizeof(double), compareAngle);
@ -242,6 +242,30 @@ eigenvectors_out:
return success;
int real_eigenvalues(gsl_matrix *g, gsl_vector *eval_real, workspace_t *ws)
gsl_matrix *g_ = getTempMatrix(ws);
gsl_matrix_memcpy(g_, g);
gsl_eigen_nonsymmv_params(0, ws->work_nonsymmv);
int r = gsl_eigen_nonsymmv(g_, ws->eval_complex, ws->evec_complex, ws->work_nonsymmv);
ERROR(r, "gsl_eigen_nonsymmv failed!\n");
gsl_eigen_nonsymmv_sort(ws->eval_complex, ws->evec_complex, GSL_EIGEN_SORT_ABS_DESC);
int real = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < ws->n; i++) {
if(FCMP(GSL_IMAG(gsl_vector_complex_get(ws->eval_complex, i)), 0) == 0) {// real
gsl_vector_set(eval_real, real, GSL_REAL(gsl_vector_complex_get(ws->eval_complex, i)));
releaseTempMatrices(ws, 1);
return real;
// only fills in the real eigenvectors and returns their count
int real_eigenvectors(gsl_matrix *g, gsl_matrix *evec_real, workspace_t *ws)
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ double trace(gsl_matrix *g);
double determinant(gsl_matrix *g, workspace_t *ws);
int eigenvectors(gsl_matrix *g, gsl_matrix *evec, workspace_t *ws);
int real_eigenvectors(gsl_matrix *g, gsl_matrix *evec, workspace_t *ws);
int real_eigenvalues(gsl_matrix *g, gsl_vector *evec, workspace_t *ws);
void eigenvectors_symm(gsl_matrix *g, gsl_vector *eval, gsl_matrix *evec, workspace_t *ws);
int diagonalize_symmetric_form(gsl_matrix *A, gsl_matrix *cob, workspace_t *ws);
void projective_frame(gsl_vector **vertices, gsl_matrix *result, workspace_t *ws);
@ -15,16 +15,19 @@
DrawingContext *screen_context;
// setup everything except cairo and dim, which will be provided by the graphics system
void setupContext(DrawingContext *ctx)
void setupContext(DrawingContext *ctx, int argc, char *argv[])
ctx->n_group_elements = NUM_GROUP_ELEMENTS;
ctx->p[0] = 9;
ctx->p[1] = 9;
ctx->p[2] = 9;
ctx->k[0] = 4;
ctx->k[1] = 4;
ctx->k[2] = 4;
ctx->parameter = 5.35;
ctx->p[0] = atoi(argv[1]);
ctx->p[1] = atoi(argv[2]);
ctx->p[2] = atoi(argv[3]);
ctx->k[0] = atoi(argv[4]);
ctx->k[1] = atoi(argv[5]);
ctx->k[2] = atoi(argv[6]);
if(argc > 7)
ctx->parameter = atof(argv[7]);
ctx->parameter = 1.0;
// ctx->parameter = 2.77;
// ctx->parameter = 0.1;
ctx->show_boxes = 0;
@ -35,9 +38,14 @@ void setupContext(DrawingContext *ctx)
ctx->show_limit= 1;
ctx->show_dual_limit= 0;
ctx->show_text = 1;
ctx->mode = 0;
ctx->use_rotation_basis = 0;
ctx->limit_with_lines = 1;
ctx->limit_with_lines = 0;
ctx->use_repelling = 0;
ctx->show_marking = 1;
ctx->marking.x = -0.73679;
ctx->marking.y = -0.01873;
ctx->show_coxeter_orbit = 0;
ctx->limit_curve = malloc(3*ctx->n_group_elements*sizeof(double));
ctx->limit_curve_count = -1;
@ -137,21 +145,7 @@ void updateMatrices(DrawingContext *ctx)
gsl_matrix *tmp = getTempMatrix(ctx->ws);
if(ctx->use_rotation_basis % 4 == 0) {
gsl_matrix_memcpy(ctx->cob, ctx->cartan); // is this a good choice of basis for any reason?
gsl_matrix_set(tmp, 0, 0, 1.0);
gsl_matrix_set(tmp, 0, 1, -1.0);
gsl_matrix_set(tmp, 0, 2, 0.0);
gsl_matrix_set(tmp, 1, 0, 1.0);
gsl_matrix_set(tmp, 1, 1, 1.0);
gsl_matrix_set(tmp, 1, 2, 1.0);
gsl_matrix_set(tmp, 2, 0, 0.0);
gsl_matrix_set(tmp, 2, 1, -1.0);
gsl_matrix_set(tmp, 2, 2, 1.0);
multiply_left(tmp, ctx->cob, ctx->ws);
if(ctx->use_rotation_basis % 5 == 0) {
gsl_matrix_set(tmp, 0, 0, 0.0);
gsl_matrix_set(tmp, 0, 1, sqrt(3.0)/2.0);
gsl_matrix_set(tmp, 0, 2, -sqrt(3.0)/2.0);
@ -162,13 +156,12 @@ void updateMatrices(DrawingContext *ctx)
gsl_matrix_set(tmp, 2, 1, 1.0);
gsl_matrix_set(tmp, 2, 2, 1.0);
gsl_matrix_memcpy(ctx->cob, tmp);
// gsl_matrix_set_identity(ctx->cob); // is this a good choice of basis for any reason?
} else if(ctx->use_rotation_basis % 4 == 1) {
} else if(ctx->use_rotation_basis % 5 == 1) {
gsl_matrix_memcpy(ctx->cob, ctx->cartan); // is this a good choice of basis for any reason?
} else if(ctx->use_rotation_basis % 5 == 2) {
computeRotationMatrix(ctx, tmp, "ba");
invert(tmp, ctx->cob, ctx->ws);
} else if(ctx->use_rotation_basis % 4 == 2) {
} else if(ctx->use_rotation_basis % 5 == 3) {
computeBoxTransform(ctx, "bca", "abc", ctx->cob);
// computeBoxTransform(ctx, "cab", "bca", ctx->cob);
// computeBoxTransform(ctx, "acb", "cba", ctx->cob);
@ -180,6 +173,21 @@ void updateMatrices(DrawingContext *ctx)
releaseTempMatrices(ctx->ws, 1);
void output_info(DrawingContext *ctx)
vector_t p[4][3];
point_t pt;
fixedPoints(ctx, "abc", p[0]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "bca", p[1]);
fixedPoints(ctx, "cab", p[2]);
pt = vectorToPoint(ctx, p[0][0]);
printf("(abc)-+ = (%f %f)\n", pt.x, pt.y);
pt = vectorToPoint(ctx, p[1][0]);
printf("(bca)-+ = (%f %f)\n", pt.x, pt.y);
void print(DrawingContext *screen)
DrawingContext file;
@ -216,7 +224,22 @@ int processEvent(GraphicsInfo *info, XEvent *ev)
unsigned long key;
char filename[100];
// fprintf(stderr, "Event: %d\n", ev->type);
switch(ev->type) {
case ButtonPress:
state = ev->xbutton.state & (ShiftMask | LockMask | ControlMask);
if(ev->xbutton.button == 1 && state & ShiftMask) {
screen_context->marking.x = (double)ev->xbutton.x;
screen_context->marking.y = (double)ev->xbutton.y;
printf("mouse button pressed: %f, %f\n", screen_context->marking.x, screen_context->marking.y);
cairo_set_matrix(screen_context->cairo, &screen_context->dim->matrix);
cairo_device_to_user(screen_context->cairo, &screen_context->marking.x, &screen_context->marking.y);
printf("mouse button pressed transformed: %f, %f\n", screen_context->marking.x, screen_context->marking.y);
case KeyPress:
state = ev->xkey.state & (ShiftMask | LockMask | ControlMask);
@ -273,6 +296,9 @@ int processEvent(GraphicsInfo *info, XEvent *ev)
printf("matrix.yy = %f;\n", info->dim->matrix.yy);
printf("matrix.y0 = %f;\n", info->dim->matrix.y0);
case 'i':
case 'b':
@ -348,6 +374,12 @@ int processEvent(GraphicsInfo *info, XEvent *ev)
case 't':
case 'c':
case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '0':
screen_context->mode = key - '0';
@ -356,12 +388,12 @@ int processEvent(GraphicsInfo *info, XEvent *ev)
int main()
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
GraphicsInfo *info;
screen_context = malloc(sizeof(DrawingContext));
setupContext(screen_context, argc, argv);
@ -39,8 +39,12 @@ typedef struct {
int show_limit;
int show_dual_limit;
int show_text;
int mode;
int use_rotation_basis;
int limit_with_lines;
int show_marking;
point_t marking;
int show_coxeter_orbit;
int use_repelling;
gsl_matrix *cartan, *cob;
@ -70,6 +74,7 @@ vector_t cross(vector_t a, vector_t b);
int fixedPoints(DrawingContext *ctx, const char *word, vector_t *out);
void drawPoint(DrawingContext *ctx, point_t p);
void drawSegment2d(DrawingContext *ctx, point_t a, point_t b);
point_t vectorToPoint(DrawingContext *ctx, vector_t v);
void drawVector(DrawingContext *ctx, vector_t v);
void drawCovector(DrawingContext *ctx, vector_t v);
void drawSegment(DrawingContext *ctx, vector_t a, vector_t b);
@ -87,7 +92,7 @@ void drawText(DrawingContext *ctx);
void draw(DrawingContext *ctx);
// implemented in main.c
void setupContext(DrawingContext *ctx);
void setupContext(DrawingContext *ctx, int argc, char *argv[]);
void destroyContext(DrawingContext *ctx);
void print(DrawingContext *screen);
int processEvent(GraphicsInfo *info, XEvent *ev);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user