#![feature(io_error_more)] use rustls::{OwnedTrustAnchor, ClientConfig, RootCertStore, ClientConnection}; use anyhow::{Result as AResult, bail}; use std::net::{TcpStream, ToSocketAddrs}; use std::io::{self, ErrorKind, Read, Write, Error as IOError}; use std::process::Command; use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime}; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use std::thread; use clap::Parser; #[derive(Parser, Clone)] #[command(about = "Uses IMAP IDLE to run a command whenever a new email arrives", long_about = None)] pub struct Cli { /// IMAP server domain #[arg(short, long)] server: String, /// IMAP server port #[arg(long, default_value_t = 993)] port: u16, /// IMAP user name #[arg(short, long)] username: String, /// IMAP password #[arg(short, long)] password: String, /// interval (in seconds) at which to run even if no email arrives #[arg(short, long)] interval: Option, /// command to run when new mail arrives #[arg(short, long)] command: PathBuf, /// show all server responses #[arg(short, long, action = clap::ArgAction::Count)] verbose: u8, } /// runs the command if one of the following conditions is satisfied: /// - `new_mail` is true /// - the command hasn't been run yet /// - `cli.interval` is set and the last run was at least `cli.interval` minus 1 second ago /// /// The return value is the duration to wait until command should be run again /// (assuming no new mail arrives in the meantime). This is `cli.interval` if /// the command was run, and `cli.interval` minus the time elapsed since the last run /// in case the command was not run. /// If `cli.interval` is `None`, the return value will be `None`. pub fn run_command_if_needed(cli: &Cli, lastrun_mutex: &Mutex>, new_mail: bool) -> Option { // locks the mutex until the end of the function, also preventing that the command is run concurrently let mut last = lastrun_mutex.lock().unwrap(); let run; if new_mail { run = true; } else { match *last { None => { run = true; }, Some(last_inner) => { match cli.interval { None => { run = false; }, Some(int) => { let min_duration = Duration::from_secs(int - 1); let duration = last_inner.elapsed().unwrap_or(Duration::ZERO); if duration > min_duration { run = true; } else { run = false; } } } } } } if run { println!("Running command ..."); Command::new(cli.command.as_os_str()) .output() .expect("command execution failed"); println!("Command finished."); *last = Some(SystemTime::now()); } // subtract the time already elapsed since last run return cli.interval.map(|int| { Duration::from_secs(int).saturating_sub( last .expect("command should have run at least once") .elapsed() .unwrap_or(Duration::ZERO)) }); } #[derive(Debug)] struct Status { connected: bool, last_run: SystemTime } const CONNECTION_LOST_ERRORS: &[ErrorKind] = &[ ErrorKind::Interrupted, ErrorKind::WouldBlock, // when a read times out ]; const CANT_CONNECT_ERRORS: &[ErrorKind] = &[ ErrorKind::ConnectionAborted, ErrorKind::ConnectionReset, ErrorKind::NotConnected, ErrorKind::NetworkUnreachable, ErrorKind::HostUnreachable, ]; pub fn run() -> AResult<()> { let cli = Cli::parse(); let connection_status: Arc> = Arc::new(Mutex::new( Status { connected: false, last_run: SystemTime::now() } )); // if interval is given, spawn a thread to take care of the regular calls let timer_handle = cli.interval.map(|interval| { let cmd = cli.command.clone(); let connection_status_subthread = Arc::clone(&connection_status); thread::spawn(move || { let interval_duration = Duration::from_secs(interval); let mut wait_time = interval_duration; loop { // we just want to sleep, but park_timeout() allows // interruption by the main thread thread::park_timeout(wait_time); let mut status = connection_status_subthread.lock().unwrap(); // check here if we should really run, and how long to wait for if not // interval, SystemTime::now(), status.connected, status.last_run -> wait_time let elapsed = status.last_run.elapsed().unwrap_or_default(); let run = status.connected && elapsed >= interval_duration; // println!("time = {:?}, run = {}", SystemTime::now(), run); if run { println!("Interval timer expired, running command ..."); Command::new(cmd.as_os_str()) .output() .expect("command execution failed"); println!("Command finished."); status.last_run = SystemTime::now(); wait_time = interval_duration; } else { wait_time = interval_duration - elapsed; } } }) }); // what to do as soon as we're connected let connect_callback = || { if let Some(th) = &timer_handle { connection_status.lock().unwrap().connected = true; // we unpark the thread after reconnecting since a common cause of // disconnects is suspend, after which the sleep timer might not do what // we want th.thread().unpark(); } }; // what to do when the server tells us we got an email let mail_callback = || { let mut status = connection_status.lock().unwrap(); println!("New email, running command ..."); Command::new(cli.command.as_os_str()) .output() .expect("command execution failed"); println!("Command finished."); status.last_run = SystemTime::now(); }; // reconnect in an infinite loop, with exponentially increasing wait times up to 1/2 hour let mut time_to_reconnect: u64 = 1; loop { return match connect_and_idle(&cli, connect_callback , mail_callback) { Ok(_) => Ok(()), Err(err) => match err.downcast_ref::() { Some(io_err) if CONNECTION_LOST_ERRORS.contains(&io_err.kind()) => { connection_status.lock().unwrap().connected = false; time_to_reconnect = 1; println!("Connection lost, reconnecting in {time_to_reconnect} seconds"); thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(time_to_reconnect)); continue; }, Some(io_err) if CANT_CONNECT_ERRORS.contains(&io_err.kind()) => { connection_status.lock().unwrap().connected = false; time_to_reconnect = u64::min(time_to_reconnect*2, 1800); println!("Cannot connect currently, retrying in {time_to_reconnect} seconds"); thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(time_to_reconnect)); continue; }, Some(io_err) => { println!("{:?}", io_err.kind()); Err(err) } _ => Err(err) } } } } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] enum ImapState { Unauthenticated, Authenticated, Inbox, Idling } /// establish a connection to IMAP server, log in, run IDLE command, and wait /// for mail to arrive pub fn connect_and_idle(cli: &Cli, connected_callback: F, mail_callback: G) -> AResult<()> { let tls_config = ClientConfig::builder() .with_safe_defaults() .with_root_certificates(RootCertStore { roots: webpki_roots::TLS_SERVER_ROOTS.0.iter() .map(|ta| OwnedTrustAnchor::from_subject_spki_name_constraints( ta.subject, ta.spki, ta.name_constraints)) .collect() }) .with_no_client_auth(); let mut buffer = [0u8; 2048]; let mut tls_client = ClientConnection::new( Arc::new(tls_config), cli.server.as_str().try_into().unwrap())?; let addrs = (cli.server.as_str(), cli.port) .to_socket_addrs() .map_err(|e|io::Error::new(ErrorKind::NotConnected, e.to_string()))? .collect::>(); let mut socket = TcpStream::connect(addrs.as_slice())?; let mut state = ImapState::Unauthenticated; socket.set_read_timeout(Some(Duration::from_secs(120)))?; loop { if tls_client.is_handshaking() { let (_i, _o) = tls_client.complete_io(&mut socket)?; } else if tls_client.wants_write() { let _o = tls_client.write_tls(&mut socket)?; } else if tls_client.wants_read() { let _i = tls_client.read_tls(&mut socket)?; if tls_client.process_new_packets()?.plaintext_bytes_to_read() == 0 { continue; } let len = tls_client.reader().read(&mut buffer)?; let responses = buffer[0..len] .split(|&x|x == b'\r' || x == b'\n') .filter(|&x|x.len() != 0); for response in responses { if cli.verbose > 0 { if state == ImapState::Unauthenticated { if let Some(suite) = tls_client.negotiated_cipher_suite() { println!("negotiated cipher suite: {:?}", suite); } } println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(response)); } match state { ImapState::Unauthenticated => if response.starts_with(b"* OK") { let request = format!("A001 login {} {}\r\n", cli.username, cli.password); tls_client.writer().write(request.as_bytes())?; state = ImapState::Authenticated; }, ImapState::Authenticated => if response.starts_with(b"A001 OK") { tls_client.writer().write(b"A002 select inbox\r\n")?; state = ImapState::Inbox; } else if response.starts_with(b"A001") { bail!("The server rejected authentication"); }, ImapState::Inbox => if response.starts_with(b"A002 OK") { tls_client.writer().write(b"A003 idle\r\n")?; state = ImapState::Idling; connected_callback(); // notify timer thread that we're live } else if response.starts_with(b"A002") { bail!("Selecting inbox failed"); }, ImapState::Idling => if response.starts_with(b"+ idling") { println!("Connected and idling ..."); } else if response.starts_with(b"*") && response.ends_with(b"EXISTS") { mail_callback(); } } } } else { break; } } Ok(()) }