
370 lines
12 KiB

use std::convert::identity;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::ops::{Deref, RangeBounds, Bound};
use crate::btrfs_structs::{Leaf, Key, Item, InteriorNode, Node, ParseError, ParseBin, Value, Superblock, ItemType, ZERO_KEY, LAST_KEY};
use crate::nodereader::NodeReader;
/// Represents a B-Tree inside a filesystem image. Can be used to look up keys,
/// and handles the tree traversal and the virtual address translation.
pub struct Tree<'a> {
pub image: &'a [u8],
pub reader: Rc<NodeReader<'a>>,
pub root_addr_log: u64,
impl<'a> Tree<'a> {
pub fn new<T: Into<u64>>(image: &'a [u8], tree_id: T) -> Result<Tree<'a>, ParseError> {
let superblock = Superblock::parse(&image[0x10000..])?;
let reader = Rc::new(NodeReader::new(image)?);
let root_tree = Tree {
reader: Rc::clone(&reader),
root_addr_log: superblock.root
// let tree_root_item = root_tree.find_key(Key::new(tree_id.into(), ItemType::Root, 0))?;
let tree_id = tree_id.into();
let root_item_key = Key::new(tree_id, ItemType::Root, 0);
let tree_root_item = root_tree.range(root_item_key..)
.filter(|x| x.key.key_id == tree_id && x.key.key_type == ItemType::Root);
let root_addr_log = match tree_root_item {
Some(Item { key: _, value: Value::Root(root)}) => root.bytenr,
_ => return Err("root item not found or invalid".into())
Ok(Tree { image, reader: Rc::clone(&reader), root_addr_log })
pub fn root(image: &'a [u8]) -> Result<Tree<'a>, ParseError> {
let reader = Rc::new(NodeReader::new(image)?);
let superblock = Superblock::parse(&image[0x10000..])?;
Ok(Tree { image, reader, root_addr_log: superblock.root })
pub fn chunk(image: &'a [u8]) -> Result<Tree<'a>, ParseError> {
let reader = Rc::new(NodeReader::new(image)?);
let superblock = Superblock::parse(&image[0x10000..])?;
Ok(Tree { image, reader, root_addr_log: superblock.chunk_root })
/***** looking up keys *****/
impl Leaf {
pub fn find_key(&self, key: Key) -> Option<Item> {
.find(|x|x.key == key)
pub fn find_key_or_previous(&self, key: Key) -> Option<usize> {
.take_while(|x|x.key <= key)
impl InteriorNode {
/// Return the index of the last child which has key at most `key`. This is the
/// branch which contains `key` if it exists. Returns `None` if all children are greater than
/// `key`, which guarantees that `key` is not among the descendants of `self`.
pub fn find_key_or_previous(&self, key: Key) -> Option<usize> {
// if the key is not exactly matched, binary_search returns the next index, but we want the previous one
match self.children.binary_search_by_key(&key, |x|x.key) {
Ok(idx) => Some(idx),
Err(idx) if idx == 0 => None,
Err(idx) => Some(idx-1),
impl Tree<'_> {
/// Recursively traverse a tree to find a key, given they key and logical address
/// of the tree root. Internal function, `Tree::find_key` is the public interface.
fn find_key_in_node(&self, addr: u64, key: Key) -> Result<Item, ParseError> {
let node = self.reader.get_node(addr)?;
match node.deref() {
Node::Interior(interior_node) => {
let next_node_index = interior_node.find_key_or_previous(key).unwrap();
let next_node_log = interior_node.children[next_node_index].ptr;
self.find_key_in_node(next_node_log, key)
Node::Leaf(leaf) => {
"Item with key ({},{:?},{}) was not found in the leaf at logical address 0x{:x}",
key.key_id, key.key_type, key.key_offset, addr)
pub fn find_key(&self, key: Key) -> Result<Item, ParseError> {
self.find_key_in_node(self.root_addr_log, key)
/***** iterator *****/
pub struct RangeIter<'a, 'b> {
tree: &'b Tree<'a>,
start: Bound<Key>,
end: Bound<Key>,
forward_skip_fn: Box<dyn Fn(Key) -> Key>,
backward_skip_fn: Box<dyn Fn(Key) -> Key>,
impl<'a> Tree<'a> {
/// Given a tree, a range of indices, and two "skip functions", produces a double
/// ended iterator which iterates through the keys contained in the range, in ascending
/// or descending order.
/// The skip functions are ignored for now, but are intended as an optimization:
/// after a key `k` was returned by the iterator (or the reverse iterator), all keys
/// strictly lower than `forward_skip_fn(k)` are skipped (resp. all keys strictly above
/// `backward_skip_fn(k)` are skipped.
/// If `forward_skip_fn` and `backward_skip_fn` are the identity, nothing is skipped
pub fn range_with_skip<'b, R, F1, F2>(&'b self, range: R, forward_skip_fn: F1, backward_skip_fn: F2) -> RangeIter<'a, 'b>
R: RangeBounds<Key>,
F1: Fn(Key) -> Key + 'static,
F2: Fn(Key) -> Key + 'static {
RangeIter {
tree: self,
start: range.start_bound().cloned(),
end: range.end_bound().cloned(),
forward_skip_fn: Box::new(forward_skip_fn),
backward_skip_fn: Box::new(backward_skip_fn),
pub fn range<'b, R: RangeBounds<Key>>(&'b self, range: R) -> RangeIter<'a, 'b> {
RangeIter {
tree: self,
start: range.start_bound().cloned(),
end: range.end_bound().cloned(),
forward_skip_fn: Box::new(identity),
backward_skip_fn: Box::new(identity),
pub fn iter<'b>(&'b self) -> RangeIter<'a, 'b> {
RangeIter {
tree: self,
start: Bound::Unbounded,
end: Bound::Unbounded,
forward_skip_fn: Box::new(identity),
backward_skip_fn: Box::new(identity),
/// Get the first item under the node at logical address `addr`.
/// This function panics if there are no items
fn get_first_item(tree: &Tree, addr: u64) -> Result<Item, ParseError> {
match tree.reader.get_node(addr)?.deref() {
Node::Interior(intnode) => get_first_item(tree, intnode.children[0].ptr),
Node::Leaf(leafnode) => Ok(leafnode.items[0].clone()),
/// Get the last item under the node at logical address `addr`.
/// This function panics if there are no items
fn get_last_item(tree: &Tree, addr: u64) -> Result<Item, ParseError> {
match tree.reader.get_node(addr)?.deref() {
Node::Interior(intnode) => get_last_item(tree, intnode.children.last().unwrap().ptr),
Node::Leaf(leafnode) => Ok(leafnode.items.last().unwrap().clone()),
enum FindKeyMode {LT, GT, GE, LE}
/// Try to find the item with key `key` if it exists in the tree, and return
/// the "closest" match. The exact meaning of "closest" is given by the `mode` argument:
/// If `mode` is `LT`/`GT`/`GE`/`LE`, return the item with the greatest / least / greatest / least
/// key less than / greater than / greater or equal to / less or equal to `key`.
fn find_closest_key(tree: &Tree, key: Key, mode: FindKeyMode) -> Result<Option<Item>, ParseError> {
// in some cases, this task can't be accomplished by a single traversal
// but we might have to go back up the tree; prev/next allows to quickly go back to the right node
let mut current: u64 = tree.root_addr_log;
let mut prev: Option<u64> = None;
let mut next: Option<u64> = None;
loop {
let node = tree.reader.get_node(current)?;
match node.deref() {
Node::Interior(intnode) => {
match intnode.find_key_or_previous(key) {
Some(idx) => {
if let Some(kp) = (idx > 0).then(|| intnode.children.get(idx-1)).flatten() {
prev = Some(kp.ptr);
if let Some(kp) = intnode.children.get(idx+1) {
next = Some(kp.ptr);
current = intnode.children[idx].ptr;
None => {
// this can only happen if every key in the current node is `> key`
// which really should only happen if we're in the root node, as otherwise
// we wouldn't have descended into this branch; so assume every key in the
// tree is above `> key`.
if mode == FindKeyMode::LT || mode == FindKeyMode::LE {
return Ok(None);
} else {
// return the first item in tree; we are an interior node so we really should have
// at least one child
let addr = intnode.children[0].ptr;
return Ok(Some(get_first_item(tree, addr)?));
Node::Leaf(leafnode) => {
match leafnode.find_key_or_previous(key) {
Some(idx) => {
// the standard case, we found a key `k` with the guarantee that `k <= key`
let Item {key: k, value: v} = leafnode.items[idx].clone();
if mode == FindKeyMode::LE || mode == FindKeyMode::LT && k < key || mode == FindKeyMode::GE && k == key {
return Ok(Some(Item {key: k, value: v}))
} else if mode == FindKeyMode::LT && k == key {
// prev
if idx > 0 {
return Ok(Some(leafnode.items[idx-1].clone()));
} else {
// use prev
if let Some(addr) = prev {
return Ok(Some(get_last_item(tree, addr)?));
} else {
return Ok(None);
} else {
// next
if let Some(item) = leafnode.items.get(idx+1) {
return Ok(Some(item.clone()));
} else {
// use next
if let Some(addr) = next {
return Ok(Some(get_first_item(tree, addr)?));
} else {
return Ok(None);
None => {
// same as above, but this can only happen if the root node is a leaf
if mode == FindKeyMode::LT || mode == FindKeyMode::LE {
return Ok(None);
} else {
// return the first item in tree if it exists
return Ok(leafnode.items.get(0).map(|x|x.clone()));
fn range_valid<T: Ord>(start: Bound<T>, end: Bound<T>) -> bool {
match (start, end) {
(Bound::Included(x), Bound::Included(y)) => x <= y,
(Bound::Excluded(x), Bound::Included(y)) => x < y,
(Bound::Included(x), Bound::Excluded(y)) => x < y,
(Bound::Excluded(x), Bound::Excluded(y)) => x < y, // could technically be empty if "y = x+1", but we can't check
(_, _) => true, // one of them is unbounded
impl<'a, 'b> Iterator for RangeIter<'a, 'b> {
type Item = Item;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Item> {
if !range_valid(self.start.as_ref(), self.end.as_ref()) {
return None;
let (start_key, mode): (Key, FindKeyMode) = match &self.start {
&Bound::Included(x) => (x, FindKeyMode::GE),
&Bound::Excluded(x) => (x, FindKeyMode::GT),
&Bound::Unbounded => (ZERO_KEY, FindKeyMode::GE),
// FIX: proper error handling
let result = find_closest_key(self.tree, start_key, mode)
.expect("file system should be consistent (or this is a bug)");
if let Some(item) = &result {
self.start = Bound::Excluded((self.forward_skip_fn)(item.key));
let end_filter = |item: &Item| {
match &self.end {
&Bound::Included(x) => item.key <= x,
&Bound::Excluded(x) => item.key < x,
&Bound::Unbounded => true,
impl<'a, 'b> DoubleEndedIterator for RangeIter<'a, 'b> {
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Item> {
if !range_valid(self.start.as_ref(), self.end.as_ref()) {
return None;
let (start_key, mode): (Key, FindKeyMode) = match &self.end {
&Bound::Included(x) => (x, FindKeyMode::LE),
&Bound::Excluded(x) => (x, FindKeyMode::LT),
&Bound::Unbounded => (LAST_KEY, FindKeyMode::LE),
let result = find_closest_key(self.tree, start_key, mode)
.expect("file system should be consistent (or this is a bug)");
if let Some(item) = &result {
self.end = Bound::Excluded((self.backward_skip_fn)(item.key));
let start_filter = |item: &Item| {
match &self.start {
&Bound::Included(x) => item.key >= x,
&Bound::Excluded(x) => item.key > x,
&Bound::Unbounded => true,